Just to add two comments to Jon's posting:  

Jon Williamson wrote:
> Practically every science faces the difficult task of sharpening qualitative
> perceptual judgements into the precise, quantitative language of the science
> in question. The way a science does this is rarely formulated explicitly as
> part of the science itself, and often seems mysterious from the outside.
> Probability theory, for instance, tells you what to do when you have certain
> probabilities and certain assumptions hold, not how to arrive at this
> information. 

J. M. Keynes thought that reasonable people would agree on the
assignment of probabilities.  Clearly, he didn't know many reasonable

>It is the job of statisticians, knowledge engineers and
> philosophers of science to better articulate the sharpening process, but
> just because it isn't written down in books on probability theory, that
> doesn't mean it can't be done.

I believe there is a key difference in objectives here between
statisticians, on the one side, and artificial intelligence researchers,
on the other.   AI needs to articulate computational processes by which
probabilities (or the values obtained using other uncertainty
formalisms) can be assigned, so that machines can be built which can
assign probabilities using these processes.  As with the processes
underlying any software system, these processes need to be shown to have
desirable properties before deployment.  

For statisticians, especially those who view their role as an advisory
one to a decision-maker, it is enough that probabilities can be
assigned.   Indeed, we have a whole branch of statistics which assumes
that probabilities arise entirely subjectively, ignoring completely the
question of how this happens.      

Thus, despite a public claim I once heard made by a well-known
statistician, AI is not a sub-branch of statistics. 

-- Peter McBurney
University of Liverpool

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