S E C O N D   A N N O U N C E M E N T

   Australian Mathematical Sciences Institute symposium on
              ..                           ..
              ..    STATISTICAL LEARNING   ..
              ..                          ..
              University of New South Wales
                    Sydney, Australia

                  2nd-3rd October, 2003

Statistical Learning is one of the most vibrant current areas
of statistical research. In Statistics parlance, its main themes
are prediction and classification ("supervised learning") and
clustering ("unsupervised learning"). Many of these themes are
present in areas outside of mainstream statistics: pattern
recognition, artificial intelligence, machine learning, neural networks,
data mining and bioinformatics. This symposium will primarily focus
on statistical issues, although some cross-disciplinary research
will be presented.

Invited Speakers
David Bowtell (University of Melbourne)
Markus Hegland (Australian National University)
Robert Kohn (University of New South Wales)
Steve Marron (University of North Carolina)
Rob McCulloch (University of Chicago)
Brian Ripley (Oxford University)
Xiaotong Shen (Ohio State University)
Alex Smola (Australian National University)
Arcot Sowmya (University of New South Wales)
Ross Taplin (Murdoch University)
Mike Titterington (University of Glasgow)

  The symposium is now just 3 months away. Here are some

    * The new and improved web-site is


      and information about the symposium
      is continuously being added. The
      latest addition is a tentative


      The symposium takes place just one week
      before the 2003 Rugby World Cup commences
      in Sydney. Therefore you are advised to book
      accommodation as soon as possible. Accommodation
      suggestions have been added to the web-site.
      Flights may also be affected by the World

    * Early bird special (late bird penalty).

      We recommend you register as soon as possible,
      but not later than 2nd September when the lower
      rates expire. Full registration procedures are
      now on the web.

    * Speaker addition/subtraction

      Drs. Markus Hegland and Alex Smola
      have been added to the invited speaker
      list. Professor Geoff McLachlan has
      had to withdraw.

  Inge Koch and Matt Wand
  Department of Statistics
  University of New South Wales
  Sydney 2052, Australia

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Helen Armstrong
ph: + 61 2 9385 6904 fax: 9385 7123
School of Mathematics

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