Eighth International Symposium on

            January 4-6, 2004, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

            Paper submission deadline: October 3, 2003

APPROACH OF THE SYMPOSIUM: The International Symposium on Artificial
Intelligence and Mathematics is the eighth of a biennial series. The
series was started by Martin Golumbic and the editorial board of
the Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence serves as
the permanent Advisory Committee. The objective of the Symposium
is to foster interactions between mathematics, theoretical CS, and
artificial intelligence. Traditionally, the Symposium attracts around
100 participants from a variety of disciplines, thereby providing a
unique forum for active scientific exchange. The Symposium includes
invited speakers, special topic sessions, and presentations of
submitted papers.


    Robert Bixby, ILOG Inc.
    Ronen Brafman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel
    An additional speaker to be announced at a later date


        Organizer: Ronen Brafman, Ben-Gurion University, Israel

    Portfolio Design for Combinatorial Problems
        Organizers: Carla Gomes, Bart Selman, Cornell, USA

    Artificial Intelligence and Game Theory
        Organizers: Kevin Leyton-Brown, Stanford, USA
                Moshe Tennenholtz, Technion, Israel

PAPER SUBMISSION: Authors must email either Adobe PDF (pdf) or
Postscript (ps) files of their extended abstracts (up to 8 pages, 12pt
font, single column format) to [EMAIL PROTECTED] to be received by
October 3, 2003. Authors will be notified of acceptance or rejection
by November 3, 2003. Final versions of accepted extended abstracts,
for inclusion in the conference volume, are due by November 28,
2003. Full versions of a selected set of papers from the Symposium
will be published in a special volume in the Annals of Mathematics
and Artificial Intelligence, Kluwer Academic Publishers.

SPONSORS: The Symposium is partially supported by the Annals of Math
and AI and Florida Atlantic University.

    General Chair:     Martin Golumbic, University of Haifa, Israel
    Conference Chair:  Frederick Hoffman, Florida Atlantic University, USA
    Program Co-Chairs: Fahiem Bacchus, University of Toronto, Canada
                       Peter van Beek, University of Waterloo, Canada
    Publicity Chair:   George Katsirelos, University of Toronto, Canada

    Franz Baader (TU Dresden, Germany),
    Peter Bartlett (UC Berkeley, USA),
    Endre Boros (Rutgers, USA),
    Adnan Darwiche (UCLA, USA),
    Rina Dechter (UC Irvine, USA),
    Boi Faltings (EPFL, Switzerland),
    Ronen Feldman (Bar-Ilan University, Israel),
    John Franco (U. of Cincinnati, USA),
    Hector Geffner (UPF, Spain),
    Ian Gent (U. of St. Andrews, UK),
    Enrico Giunchiglia (U. of Genova, Italy),
    Robert Given (Purdue, USA),
    Joerg Hoffmann (Albert-Ludwigs-Univ., Germany),
    Holger Hoos (UBC, Canada),
    Peter Jonsson (U. of Linkoeping, Sweden),
    Henry Kautz (U. of Washington, USA),
    Sven Koenig (Georgia Tech, USA),
    Richard Korf (UCLA, USA),
    Gerhard Lakemeyer (RWTH Aachen, Germany),
    Omid Madani (U. of Alberta, Canada),
    Heikki Mannila (U. of Helsinki, Finland),
    Anil Nerode (Cornell, USA),
    Ronald Parr (Duke, USA),
    Pascal Poupart (U. of Toronto, Canada),
    Jeff Rosenschein (Hebrew University, Israel),
    Sam Roweis (U. of Toronto, Canada),
    Dale Schuurmans (U. of Alberta, Canada),
    Allen Van Gelder (UCSC, USA),
    Toby Walsh (4C, UCC, Ireland).

The 8th Symposium on Artificial Intelligence and Mathematics will be
collocated with the following conferences:

      7th International Conference on Logic Programming and
      Nonmonotonic Reasoning January 6-8, 2004
      Fourth International Workshop on Computational Logic in
      Multi-Agent Systems January 6-7, 2004

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