KDD-2004 First Call for Papers



August 22-25, 2004
Seattle, WA, USA

http://www.acm.org/sigkdd/kdd2004 or http://www.kdd2004.com


Submission Deadlines:

Electronic Abstract Submission: Feb. 20, 2004 *at noon PST*
Electronic Paper Submission: Feb. 27, 2004 *at noon PST*

Submission Format:
Camera-Ready (no more than 10 pages), electronic submissions *in PDF
format only*

Notification of acceptance/rejection: May 21, 2004
Camera-ready papers due: June 4, 2004

During the past years, the ACM SIGKDD conference has established
itself as the premier international conference on knowledge discovery
and data mining with an attendance of 600-900 people. To continue with
this tradition, the tenth ACM SIGKDD conference will provide a forum
for researchers from academia, industry, and government, developers,
practitioners, and the data mining user community to share their
research and experience. The SIGKDD conference will feature keynote
presentations, oral paper presentations, poster presentations,
workshops, tutorials, and panels, as well as the KDD Cup
competition. Papers on all aspects of knowledge discovery and data
mining are solicited.

Areas of interest include, but are not limited to:

- - Applications of data mining (biomedical, e-commerce, defense)
- - Data and result visualization
- - Data mining and data warehousing
- - Data mining for community generation, social network analysis, and
  graph-structured data
- - Foundations of data mining
- - KDD framework and process
- - Mining data streams
- - Mining high-dimensional data
- - Mining text and semi-structured data
- - Multi-media data mining
- - Novel data mining algorithms
- - Spatial and temporal data mining
- - Security and privacy issues
- - Interactive and online data mining
- - Pre-processing and post-processing for data mining
- - Robust and scalable statistical methods

Abstracts and full papers must be submitted electronically at the
conference Web site (see URL above). Abstracts must be submitted on or
before February 20, 2004, 12 noon PST (Pacific Standard Time). An
abstract may not contain more than 250 words. No paper will be
considered without having the abstract submitted on time. Full papers
must be submitted on or before February 27, 2004, at 12 noon PST. This
is a FIRM deadline. Papers must be no more than 10 pages in length,
inclusive of all figures, tables, references and appendices.  Papers
should be submitted in ACM proceedings format (two columns, 9pt font,
approx. 1in margins). Templates are available at
http://www.acm.org/sigs/pubs/proceed/template.html. Papers must be
submitted in PDF format. Authors are solely responsible for ensuring
that their submissions display and print properly.

All papers will be judged based on their technical merits,
originality, relevance to KDD, and presentation clarity. Papers should
describe original work that has not been published before, is not
under review elsewhere, and may not be submitted elsewhere during
KDD-2004's review period (specialized workshops with a limited
audience excluded).

A separate call is being issued for industrial/government track
papers; see the conference Web site at the URL above. Reviewers can
assign research track submissions to the industrial/government track
and vice-versa, if they feel this to be more appropriate. Calls for
workshop, tutorial and panel proposals can also be found at the
conference Web site.

The KDD-2004 Best Paper awards recognize the best paper in two
categories: fundamental research and applications/applied
research. Fundamental research papers are judged by the significance
and originality of their contribution. Applications/applied research
papers are judged by the practical impact and current or potential
usefulness of the work. In both cases, the clarity and quality of
presentation are also considered.

KDD-2004 will also award scholarships to selected students to help
defray the cost of participating in the conference. Details will
appear on the conference Web site.

 - General Chair:  Ronny Kohavi (Amazon.com, USA)
 - Program co-Chairs: Johannes Gehrke (Cornell University, USA) and
   William DuMouchel (AT&T Labs, USA)
 - Industrial/Government Track Co-Chairs: John Elder (Elder Research,
   USA) and Bharat Rao (Siemens Research, USA)
 - Panels Chair: Raghu Ramakrishnan (University of Wisconsin at
   Madison, USA)
 - Tutorials Chair:  Mihael Ankerst (Boeing, USA)
 - Workshops Chair: Myra Spiliopoulou (Otto-von-Guericke Universitaet
   Magdeberg, Germany)
 - Best Paper Awards Chair:  Surajit Chaudhuri (Microsoft Research, USA)
 - Student Awards Chair:  David Madigan (Rutgers University, USA)
 - Proceedings Chair:  Joydeep Ghosh (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
 - Publicity Chair and Webmaster:  Gabor Melli (PredictionWorks, USA)
 - Local Publicity Chair:  Zhaohui Tang (Microsoft Research, USA)
 - Treasurer:  Rajesh Parekh (Blue Martini Software, USA) 
 - Local Arrangements Chair:  Ying Li (Microsoft Research, USA)
 - Sponsorship Chairs:  Kamal Ali (Yahoo!, USA) and Tom Breur (ING Card)
 - Exhibits chair:  Llew Mason  (Blue Martini Software, USA)
 - Registration Chair:  Marina Meila (University of Washington, USA)
 - SIGKDD Chair:  Won Kim (Cyber Database Solutions, USA)

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