Apologies for multiple posting

Call for Papers

Pisa, Italy, September 20-24, 2004

The 15th European Conference on Machine Learning (ECML) and the 8th
European Conference on Principles and Practice of Knowledge Discovery
in Databases (PKDD) will be co-located in Pisa, Italy, September
20-24, 2004. The combined event will comprise presentations of
contributed papers and invited speakers, a wide program of workshops
and tutorials, a demo session, and a discovery challenge.

Important dates 

- Submission deadline: Monday April 19, 2004 
- Notification of acceptance: Monday June 7, 2004
- Camera-ready copies due: Monday June 28, 2004 
- Conferences: Monday September 20 through Friday September 24, 2004 

Paper submission 

High quality research contributions pertinent to any aspects of
machine learning and knowledge discovery are called for, ranging from
principles to practice; particular attention will be paid to papers
describing innovative, challenging applications.

There will be a single electronic submission procedure, where authors
should indicate whether they submit their paper to ECML, PKDD, or
both. In the latter case, the topic of the joint submission must be
within the scope of both conferences; accepted joint submissions will
be assigned to the most appropriate of the conferences. Student
submissions should be clearly indicated on the submission form. All
submissions will be reviewed by the respective program committees.

The papers must be in English and should be formatted according to the
Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence
guidelines. Authors instructions and style files can be downloaded at
http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/authors.html.  The maximum length of
papers is 12 pages. The proceedings of ECML and PKDD will be published
as two separate volumes by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in
Artificial Intelligence series and will be available at the

Simultaneous submissions to other conferences are allowed, provided
this fact is clearly indicated on the submission form. Simultaneous
submissions that are not clearly specified as such will be rejected.
Accepted papers will appear in the ECML/PKDD conference proceedings
only if they are withdrawn from proceedings of other conferences.

Best Paper Awards 

KDNet and Kluwer will honour the best papers and the best student
papers with awards.  The awards will be based on the significance and
originality of the contributions.

ECML Call for Papers

The European Conference on Machine Learning series intends to provide
an international forum for the discussion of the latest high quality
research results in machine learning and is the major European
scientific event in the field. Submissions of papers that describe the
application of machine learning methods to real-world problems are
encouraged, particularly exploratory research that describes novel
learning tasks and applications requiring non-standard techniques.
Submissions that demonstrate both theoretical and empirical rigor are
especially encouraged.

Topics of interest (non-exhaustive list): 

- artificial neural networks
- Bayesian networks 
- case-based reasoning 
- computational models of human learning 
- computational learning theory 
- cooperative learning 
- decision trees
- discovery of scientific laws
- evolutionary computation 
- grammatical inference
- incremental induction and on-line learning
- inductive logic programming 
- information retrieval and learning 
- instance based learning
- kernel methods  
- knowledge acquisition and learning 
- knowledge base refinement 
- knowledge intensive learning 
- machine learning of natural language 
- meta learning
- multi-agent learning 
- multi-strategy learning 
- planning and learning 
- reinforcement learning 
- revision and restructuring   
- statistical approaches 
- unsupervised learning 
- vision and learning

PKDD Call for Papers

Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases (KDD) is the ability
to extract useful patterns from large amounts of data stored in
databases, data warehouses or other information repositories.  KDD is
a combination of many research areas: databases, statistics, machine
learning, automated scientific discovery, artificial intelligence,
visualization, and high performance computing. KDD focuses on the
value that is added by the creative combination of the contributing
areas.  The European Conference on Principles and Practice of
Knowledge Discovery in Databases series intends to provide an
international forum for the discussion of the latest high quality
research results in KDD and is the major European scientific event in
the field. Submissions are invited that describe empirical and
theoretical research in all areas of KDD, as well as submissions that
describe challenging applications of KDD.

Topics of interest (non-exhaustive list): 

Algorithms and techniques
- classification
- clustering
- frequent patterns
- rule discovery
- statistical techniques and mixture models
- constraint-based mining
- incremental algorithms
- scalable algorithms
- distributed and parallel algorithms
- privacy preserving data mining
- multi-relational data mining
Data mining and databases
- database integration
- OLAP and data warehouse integration
- data mining query languages
- data mining query optimization
Data pre-processing
- dimensionality reduction
- data reduction
- discretization
- uncertain and missing information handling
Foundations of data mining
- complexity issues
- inductive databases
- knowledge (pattern) representation
- global vs. local patterns
- logic for data mining
- statistical inference and probabilistic modelling 
Innovative applications
- mining bio-medical data
- web content, structure and usage mining
- semantic web mining
- mining governmental data, mining for the public administration
- personalization 
- adaptive data mining architectures
- invisible data mining
KDD process and process-centric data mining
- models of the KDD process
- standards for the KDD process
- background knowledge integration
- collaborative data mining
- vertical data mining environments
Mining different forms of data
- graph, tree, sequence mining
- semi-structured and XML data mining
- text mining 
- temporal, spatial, and spatio-temporal data mining
- data stream mining
- multimedia mining
Pattern post-processing
- quality assessment
- visualization
- knowledge interpretation and use

Sponsors - initial list

ISTI-CNR, University of Pisa, INSA Lyon, University of Bari, Kluwer, KD-net

Committee and Chairs

Program Chairs: 

Jean-François Boulicaut, INSA Lyon, France
Floriana Esposito University of Bari, Italy
Fosca Giannotti KDDLab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Dino Pedreschi KDDLab, University of Pisa, Italy 

Workshop Chairs: 

Donato Malerba, University of Bari, Italy
Mohammed J. Zaki, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA 

Tutorial Chairs:  

Katharina Morik, University of Dortmund, Germany 
Franco Turini, KDDLab, University of Pisa, Italy

Discovery Challenge Chairs:

Petr Berka, Prague University of Economics, Czech Republic
Bruno Cremilleux, University of Caen, France

Publicity Chair:

Salvatore Ruggieri, KDDLab, University of Pisa, Italy

Demostration Committee: 

Elena Baralis, Politecnico of Torino, Italy 
Codrina Lauth, Fraunhofer AiS, Germany 
Rosa Meo, University of Torino, Italy 

Steering Committee: 

Hendrik Blockeel, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
Luc De Raedt, Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg, Germany
Tapio Elomaa, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Peter Flach, University of Bristol, UK
Dragan Gamberger, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Croatia
Nada Lavrac, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Heikki Mannila, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland
Arno Siebes, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
Ljupco Todorovski, Jozef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Hannu T.T. Toivonen, University of Helsinki, Finland

Award Committee:

Floriana Esposito (PC representative)
Robert Holte, University of Alberta, Canada (Kluwer representative)
Michael May, Fraunhofer AiS, Germany (KDNet representative)

Organizing Committee:

Miriam Baglioni, KDDLab, University of Pisa, Italy
Jérémy Besson, INSA-Lyon, France
Francesco Bonchi, KDDLab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Stefano Ferilli, University of Bari, Italy
Tiziana Mazzone, KDDLab, Pisa,  Italy
Mirco Nanni, KDDLab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Ruggero Pensa, INSA-Lyon, France
Chiara Renso, KDDLab, ISTI-CNR, Pisa, Italy
Salvatore Rinzivillo, KDDLab, University of Pisa, Italy

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