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Call for papers

                BCS-IRSG ECIR-05
27th European Conference on Information Retrieval
                21-23 March, 2005
             Santiago de Compostela, Spain
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsored by:
  -European Research Consortium for Informatics & Mathematics (ERCIM)
  -Microsoft Research
  -Sharp Laboratories of Europe

Call for Papers

The annual European Conference on Information Retrieval is
the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in
the field of Information Retrieval.

We encourage the submission of high-quality research papers
reporting new, unpublished, and innovative research results
within information retrieval.
The conference intends to cover all aspects of
accessing digital information without explicitly
specified semantics. Papers whose sole or main author is an
MSc, PhD, or postdoctoral student are especially welcome.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

IR models, techniques, and algorithms
        Searching, browsing, meta-searching, data fusion, filtering, and indexing
        Text and content classification, mining, extraction, and summarisation
        Topic detection, and tracking
        Personalised, collaborative, recommender, user-adaptive IR
        Improvements on existing and new IR models
        Compression, performance, optimisation
Users, society, and IR
        User modelling, user studies, user interaction in IR systems
        Novel user interfaces for IR systems
        Visualisation and presentation of queries, search results, and content
        Information management
        Cross-language and multi-language IR
IR applications
        Web IR
        Mobile and ubiquitous IR
        Digital libraries
IR system architectures
        Open, interoperable, and flexible
Content representation, and processing
        IR and structured content e.g. XML based
        Unstructured content
        Meta information and structures
Test and evaluation methods for IR systems
        Test collections and bench marking
        User-oriented and user-centred test and evaluation
Multimedia and cross-media IR
        Speech and IR
        Image and video IR
        Digital music, radio, and TV

All papers will be refereed through blind peer review.
Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings published
by Springer-Verlag in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science series,
which will be distributed to all delegates at the Conference.
Poster submissions addressing any of the areas identified
in the conference topics are also invited.
Authors are encouraged to demonstrate work in progress
and late-breaking research results.
Poster abstracts (3 pages) will be included in the proceedings.

An award will be presented to the author of the Best Student Paper.

Submission details

Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, in PS or PDF format in
close accord with the Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science Guidelines
Authors are encouraged to use Latex2e for preparing the manuscript
(using the llncs template available from the springer website). Papers 
under different text processing systems are also acceptable provided that
the springer lncs instructions are strictly observed.

Papers cannot exceed 15 pages in length (including references).
Poster abstracts, which should follow the same
formatting instructions, cannot exceed 3 pages (including references).

One author per paper is required to register and attend the conference 
to present
the paper if accepted for publication.

Important Dates:

Paper submission: 1 November, 2004
Poster submission: 8 November, 2004
Notification for all submissions:  9 December, 2004
Final copy due: 22 December, 2004


If you have any queries or problems concerning submitting a paper,
please contact any of the conference chairs:

Dr. David E. Losada
Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes
Dept. Electrónica y Computación
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Campus sur s/n
15782 Santiago de Compostela
Tel: +34 981563100 x13572
Fax: +34 981528012

Dr. Juan M. Fernández Luna
Grupo de Tratamiento de Incertidumbre en Inteligencia Artificial
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad de Granada
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda, s/n.
18071 Granada
Tel: +34 958 240465
Fax: +34 958 243317


                      Juan Manuel Fernández Luna
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
          Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
                        Universidad de Granada
                C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda, s/n
                        C.P. 18071, Granada, España
                      Teléfono: + 34 958 240465
                      Fax:      + 34 958 243317
                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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