Preliminary Program and Call for participation

                BCS-IRSG ECIR-05
27th European Conference on Information Retrieval
                21-23 March, 2005
             Santiago de Compostela, Spain

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

Sponsored by:
  -European Research Consortium for Informatics & Mathematics (ERCIM)
  -Microsoft Research
  -Sharp Laboratories of Europe
  -Council of European Professional Informatics Societies (CEPIS).

The annual European Conference on Information Retrieval is
the main European forum for the presentation of new research results in
the field of Information Retrieval.

Registration for ECIR-05 is now open. Early registration deadline: Feb 
20th, 2005.



Monday 21st , 09.00-09:30: Conference Opening

Monday 21st, 09:30-11:00: Keynote Speech,  Keith van Rijsbergen, 
University of Glasgow (UK)
        A Probabilistic Logic for Information Retrieval

Monday 21st, 11:00-11:30: Coffee break

Monday 21st, 11.30-13:00: P2P

   -Y. Shao, R. Wang (Princeton University, USA). BuddyNet: 
History-based P2P Search

   -I. A. Klampanos (University of Glasgow, UK), V. Poznanski (Sharp 
Labs of Europe Ltd., UK), J. Jose,
   P. Dickman (University of Glasgow, UK) A Suite of Testbeds for the 
Realistic Evaluation of Peer-to-Peer Information Retrieval Systems

   -J. Lu, J. Callan (Carnegie Mellon University, USA) Federated Search 
of Text-Based Digital Libraries in Hierarchical Peer-to-Peer Networks

Monday 21st, 13:00-14:30: Lunch

Monday 21st, 14.30-16.00: IR MODELS (I)

   -S. Dominich, J. Góth, T. Kiezer (University of Veszprém, Hungary) 
'Beauty' of the World Wide Web -- Cause, Goal, or Principle

   -H. Nottelmann (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany), U. Straccia 
(ISTI-CNR, Italy) sPLMap: A probabilistic approach to schema matching

   -V. Kakade (, Inc, USA), P. Raghavan (Verity, Inc, USA) 
Encoding XML in vector spaces

Monday 21st, 16:00-16:30: Coffee break

Monday 21st, 16.30-18.30: TEXT SUMMARIZATION

   -P. Ruch (University Hospitals of Geneva, Switzerland), L Perret,
   J. Savoy (Université de Neuchâtel, Switzerland) Features Combination 
for Extracting Gene Functions from MedLine

   -S. L. Châar (University of Antilles and Guyane, France), O. Ferret, 
C. Fluhr (CEA-LIST, France) Filtering for profile-biased
   multi-document summarization

   -M. Amini, N. Usunier, P. Gallinari (University of Pierre and Marie 
Curie, France) Automatic text summarization based on
   word-clusters and ranking algorithms

   -R. Wang, N. Stokes, W. Doran, E. Newman, J. Dunnion, J. Carthy 
(University College Dublin, Ireland) Comparing Topiary-Style
   Approaches to Headline Generation

Monday 21st, 18:30-20:00: Reception & Poster Session.


Tuesday  22nd, 09:00-10:30: IR METHODS (I)

   -Y. Lingpeng, J. Donghong, N. Yu (Institute for Infocomm Research, 
Singapore) Improving Retrieval Effectiveness
   by Using Key Terms in Top Retrieved Documents
   -V. Vinay, I. J. Cox (University College London, UK), N. 
Milic-Frayling, K. Wood (Microsoft Research Ltd, UK) Evaluating Relevance
   Feedback Algorithms for Searching on Small Displays
   -B. He, I. Ounis (University of Glasgow, UK) A Refined Term Frequency 
Normalisation Parameter Tuning Method by
   Measuring the Normalisation Effect
Tuesday 22nd, 10:30-11:00: Coffee break

Tuesday 22nd, 11:00-13.00: IR MODELS (II)

   -L.M. de Campos, J.M. Fernández-Luna, J.F. Huete (University of 
Granada, Spain) Improving the Context-based Influence
   Diagram Model for Structured Document Retrieval: Removing Topological 
Restrictions and Adding New Evaluation Methods

   -T. Clifton, W. Teahan (University of Wales, Bangor, UK) 
Knowing-Aboutness: Question-Answering using a logic-based framework

   -T. Skopal (Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic), P. Moravec 
(Technical University of Ostrava, Czech Republic) Modified LSI Model
   for Efficient Search by Metric Access Methods

   -H. Nottelmann (University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany) PIRE: An 
extensible IR engine based on probabilistic Datalog
Tuesday 22nd, 13:00-14:30: Lunch

Tuesday 22nd, 14:30-16.00: TEXT CLASSIFICATION AND FUSION

   -S. Wu, S. McClean (University of Ulster, UK) Data Fusion with 
Correlation Weights
   -S. Siersdorfer, G. Weikum (Max-Planck-Institute for Computer Science 
(MPI), Germany) Using Restrictive Classification and
   Meta Classification for Junk Elimination
   -Y. Marton (University of Maryland, USA), N. Wu, L. Hellerstein 
(Polytechnic University, USA) On Compression-Based Text Classification
Tuesday 22nd, 16:00-16:30: Coffee break

Tuesday 22nd, 16:30-18.30: USER STUDIES AND EVALUATION

   -S. Suomela, J. Kekäläinen (University of Tampere, Finland) Ontology 
as Search Tool: A study of real users' query
   formulation with and without conceptual support
   -E. Balfe, B. Smyth (University College Dublin, Ireland) An Analysis 
of Query Similarity in Collaborative Web Search

   -C. Goutte, E. Gaussier (Xerox Research Centre Europe, France) A 
probabilistic interpretation of precision, recall
   and F-score, with implication for evaluation
   -K. Ali, Y. Juan, C. Chang (Yahoo! Inc., USA) Exploring 
cost-effective approaches to human evaluation of search engine relevance

Tuesday 22nd, 20:00: Banquet


Wednesday 23rd, 09:00-10:30: Keynote Speech, Ricardo Baeza Yates, 
ICREA-Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Spain and University of Chile
        Applications of Web Query Mining
Wednesday 23rd, 10:30-11:00: Coffee break

Wednesday 23rd, 11:00-13.00: IR METHODS (II)

   -R. Blanco, A. Barreiro (University of A Corunna, Spain) Document 
identifier reassignment through dimensionality reduction

   -A. Imafouo, M. Beigbeder (Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Mines de 
Saint-Etienne, France) Scalability influence on retrieval
   models: an experimental methodology
   -O. Vechtomova (University of Waterloo, Canada) The Role of 
Multi-Word Units in Interactive Information Retrieval
   -R. Lehtokangas, H. Keskustalo, K. Järvelin (University of Tampere, 
Finland) Dictionary-Based CLIR Loses Highly Relevant Documents

Wednesday 23rd, 13:00-14:30: Lunch

Wednesday 23rd, 14:30-15:30: BCS-IRSG AGM

Wednesday 23rd, 15:30-17:00:MULTIMEDIA RETRIEVAL

   -R. Reede, J. Jose (University of Glasgow, UK) Football Video 
Segmentation Based on Video Production Strategy

   -P. Howarth, S. Rüger (Imperial College London, UK) Fractional 
Distance Measures for Content-based Image Retrieval

   -B. Mohammed (MRIM - IMAG/CNRS, France) Combining semantics and 
texture characterizations for precision-oriented automatic image retrieval

Wednesday 23rd, 15:30-17:00:WEB IR

   -X. Jiang, W. Song (Shanghai Business School, China), H. Zeng 
(Microsoft Research Asia, China) Applying Associative Relationship
   on the Clickthrough Data to Improve Web Search

   -A. Tombros, Z. Ali (Queen Mary University of London, UK) Factors 
affecting web page similarity

   -G. Mishne, M. de Rijke (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands) 
Boosting Web Retrieval through Query Operations
Wednesday 23rd, 17:00: Conference Close

================List of accepted 

- -Terrier Information Retrieval Platform
B. He, C. Macdonald, D. Johnson (University of Glasgow, UK), G. Amati 
(Fondazione Ugo Bordoni, Italy), I. Ounis, V. Plachouras (University of 
Glasgow, UK)
- -A Low Cost Terabyte Search Engine
        P. Ferguson, C. Gurrin, A. Smeaton, P. Wilkins (Dublin City University, 
- -Query Formulation for Answer Projection
        G. Mishne, M. de Rijke (University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
- -Network Analysis for Distributed Information Retrieval Architectures
        F. Cacheda, V. Carneiro (University of A Coruña, Spain), V. Plachouras, 
I. Ounis (University of         Glasgow, UK)
- -SnapToTell: a Singapore Image Test Bed for Ubiquitous Information 
Access from Camera
        J. Chevallet  (IPAL-I2R Laboratory, Singapore), J. Lim (I2R A-STAR, 
- -Acquisition of Translation Knowledge of Syntactically Ambiguous Named 
T. Kutsumi (Sharp Corporation, Japan), T. Yoshimi (Ryukoku University, 
Japan), K. Kotani (National Institute of Information and Communications 
Technology, Japan), I. Sata (Sharp Corporation, Japan), H. Isahara 
(National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan)
- -IR & OLAP in XML Document Warehouses
J.M. Perez Martínez (Universitat Jaume I,Spain), T. Bach Pedersen 
(Aalborg University, Denmark), R. Berlanga Llavori, M.J. Aramburu Cabo 
(Universitat Jaume I,Spain)
- -Manipulating the Relevance Models of Existing Search Engines
O. Boydell, B. Smyth (University College Dublin, Ireland), A. Smeaton, 
C. Gurrin (Dublin City University, Ireland)
- -Enhancing Web Search Result Lists Using Interaction Histories
        M. Coyle, B. Smyth (University College Dublín, Ireland)
- -An Evaluation of Gisting in Mobile Search
        K. Church, M.T. Keane, B. Smyth (University College Dublin, Ireland)
- -Video shots classification using lexical context
        S. Ayache, G. Quénot, M. Charhad (CLIPS/IMAG, France)
- -Age Dependent Document Priors in Link Structure Analysis
        C. Hauff (University of Magdeburg, Germany), L. Azzopardi (University 
of Glasgow, UK)
- -Improving Image Representation With Relevance Judgements From the 
        L. VBoldareva (University of Twente, The Netherlands)
- -Temporal Shot Clustering Analysis for Video Concept Detection
        D. Ding, L. Chen, B. Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)
- -IRMAN: Software Framework for IR in Mobile Social Cyberspaces
        Z. Syed, F. Walsh (The Robert Gordon University, Scotland)
- -Assigning Geographical Scopes To Web Pages
        B. Martins, M. Chaves, M.J. Silva (Faculdade de Ciências da 
Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal)
- -AP-based borda voting method for feature extraction in trecvid-2004
        L. Chen, D. Ding, D. Wang, F. Lin, B. Zhang (Tsinghua University, China)

- ---------

Dr. David E. Losada
Grupo de Sistemas Inteligentes
Dept. Electrónica y Computación
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
Campus sur s/n
15782 Santiago de Compostela
Tel: +34 981563100 x13572
Fax: +34 981528012

Dr. Juan M. Fernández Luna
Grupo de Tratamiento de Incertidumbre en Inteligencia Artificial
Dept. Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
Universidad de Granada
Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Informática
C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda, s/n.
18071 Granada
Tel: +34 958 240465
Fax: +34 958 243317

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