(apologies for cross-posting)

The ISBA 2010 World Meeting will be held in conjunction with the Ninth Valencia International Meeting on Bayesian Statistics, June 3-8 2010 in Benidorm, Spain. There will be tutorials on the first day, contributed talks in the late afternoons, and poster sessions in the evenings. For consideration for a contributed talk, abstracts will be due December 1, 2009 and the program committee will select among those. All others are encouraged to present their research in the poster sessions. Contributed papers (whether oral or poster) are encouraged to be submitted for publication in Bayesian Analysis, and if published they are eligible for the Lindley Prize. Details are also available at the ISBA 10 web site http://www.bayesian.org/events/isba2010/ All presenters are required to be current members of ISBA at the time of the meeting, and memberships are available through the ISBA website (http://www.bayesian.org/membership/join) or at the time of registration for the conference. Each person may be lead presenter for only one paper, but there is no limit on co-authorships.

Submissions should be sent to isb...@soe.ucsc.edu, are due December 1, 2009 and should consist of a one-page abstract of the paper (in plain text or PDF), which should also specify the names and affiliations of all co-authors, and when there are multiple co-authors, it should clearly specify who the presenter is. If the presenter is a new researcher (student or within 5 years of PhD), then a statement
affirming this should be attached.

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