Doctoral and PostDoctoral Positions in Computational Logic/KRR

In the context of the Interdisciplinary Center for Security, Reliability and 
Trust (SnT), the Individual and Collective Reasoning (ICR) group at the 
University of Luxembourg headed by Leon van der Torre

The Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) group at the University of 
Leuven headed by Marc Denecker

are looking for 3 Doctoral Researchers and 1 PostDoctoral in the area of 
Computational logic and Knowledge Representation. The research is situated in 
the convergence of areas of first order logic (FO), constraint solving, datalog 
and answer set programming and aims to develop extensions of FO() logics and 
inference tools, specifically with application to the field of access and 
privacy policies.

These positions are part of the FWO-FNR research project on "Specification logics 
and Inference tools for verification and Enforcement for Policies (SIEP)".

The positions are based at the following locations:

- Luxembourg: 1 PhD position and 1 Postdoc

Topics: The PhD student in Luxemburg will focus on applications and methodology 
and the integration of various aspect of policies (delegation, revocation, 
dynamic aspects,  logical aspects, etc.), explanations, etc. The PostDoc will 
lead the work on the extension of FO(.) languages to handle  aspects of 
policies (e.g. epistemic aspects  in the context of uncertainty),  inference 
algorithms and applications.

- Leuven: 2 PhD positions

Topics: Development of  extensions of FO(.) logics suitable for application to 
the field of access and privacy policies (in close collaboration with 
Luxembourg). PhD-students in Leuven will be working mainly on the inferential 
level and will be responsible for building the executable prototypes for finite 
domain inference tools for verification, compliance checking, analysis, 
experimentation, simulation  and execution. Technologies involved are from 
model generation (KRR's IDP system), ALLOY,  Answer Set Programming, Datalog 
and SAT modulo Theories.

Conditions for Luxembourg

Successful candidates for the PhD position hold either a MSc in Computer 
Science, Mathematics or a related discipline and have an interest in security 
and privacy, as well as in logic-based KRR and inference.

Applications, written in English, must include the following sections:

1 - Curriculum Vitae (including your contact address, work experience, 
2 -- Cover letter indicating the research area of interest and your motivation
3 - A research statement which addresses specifically the topic of the position 
(300 words)
4 - Transcript of all courses and results from the university-level courses 
5 - A short description of your Master's work (max 1 page)
6 - Contact information for 3 referees

Only online applications will be taken into consideration,Job ReferenceUOL00144

Deadline for applications : May 31st, 2012

The postdoc position will be opened in 2013, but interested candidates are 
already invited to contact the project leaders.

Information: Please contact Leon van der Torre and/or Marc Denecker, preferably 
via email to

              Leon van der Torre<>
              Marc Denecker<>

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