The 30th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML 2013) seeks
student volunteers to help run this year's meeting in Atlanta, USA, from
June 16 to June 21, 2013. In addition, we will provide a limited number of
scholarships for exceptionally promising students.


Student volunteers and scholarship recipients will receive free
registration to the meeting.

Being a student volunteer is an excellent opportunity to meet with your
peers at a top-class international machine learning meeting. We seek keen,
friendly volunteers, willing to do whatever is required to make the meeting
a success. Tasks may include preparing registration packets, checking in
attendees, or assisting with the sessions. Volunteers will be provided with
details of their duties once the conference schedule is determined. The
expected time commitment is roughly ten hours.

A student does NOT need to have an accepted paper at the conference in
order to participate in this program.


The goals of scholarship program are to integrate students in their
research sub-community and to give them a forum to talk to leading
researchers in the field about their Ph.D. research. Students participating
in the program will be provided scholarships to subsidize travel,
conference registration, and housing expenses for
ICML 2013. Note that all students are eligible for this program. A student
does NOT need to have an accepted paper at the conference in order to
participate in this program. In fact, one of scholarship program's explicit
goals is to broaden student participation in the ICML research community.
To help students be integrated into the conference, each sponsored student
will have a poster on their research. Each paper presented during the
daytime technical program will also be presented at a poster session.
Students presenting papers at the conference will naturally present posters
as part of the normal conference schedule. Students who do not have a paper
at the main conference will have their posters integrated into the poster
sessions. The poster format encourages the student participants to begin
building a rapport with established researchers.


There is a single application for both programs. Note that a letter from
your thesis advisor is required for the scholarship program.

May 3 is the due date, at 23:59:59 Samoa time.
May 10 is the response date

Students who have questions about this program should contact Jacob
Eisenstein, the student awards coordinator,
uai mailing list

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