Please forward to interested colleagues!

The 10th International Conference on Intelligent Environments IE'14
***indexed in IEEE Xplore, EI Compendex, Thomson ISI***

Shanghai, China, 30th June-4th July 2014

** Workshops 30th June-1st July 2014 Conference 2nd-4th July 2014

Sponsored by the IEEE 'Systems, Man, and Cybernetics Society' with technical
sponsorship from 'IEEE SMC Technical Committee on Human-Computer Interaction'

The 10th Intelligent Environments conference and associated workshops are
organized by the Departments of Computer Science & Engineering and the
Department of Department of Automation of Shanghai Jiao Tong University
(SJTU).The 2014 edition follows a series of highly successful
conferences that were
previously organized in Colchester (UK), Athens (Greece), Ulm (Germany), Seattle
(USA), Barcelona (Spain), Kuala Lumpur (Malaysia), Nottingham (UK) and

Intelligent Environments (IEs) use networked computing technology to create
environments that are sensitive and responsive to the presence of people. Such
environments are as varied as the places people inhabit encompassing
settings such
as homes, classrooms, factories, transport, clothing and online
virtual worlds, They
are constructed using a mix of innovative software and hardware concepts and, as
such, promote the efficiency of transactions and activities,
facilitate presence and
participation, improve user experience and enable better or new
lifestyles or methods
of production. Any aspect of science, engineering, architecture,
sociology, government,
education or business that touch on these ideas is relevant to this
conference. The
conference provides a multidisciplinary interactive forum for researches and
practitioners from the above disciplines to present theoretical and
practical results of
their work.

Conference Program:
Authors are invited to submit regular full conference papers as well
as contributions
to the Doctoral Colloquium, Posters Session or Demos & Videos Session.
In addition to
the main programme of scientific papers, attendees will be able to
participate in a
number of supporting activities such as a vibrant set of workshops,
and Industrial
Forum (which will facilitate networking between academics and
industrialists), an
Education Forum (focusing on building Future Intelligent Educational
from Intelligent Environments technologies) and a novel INTEL sponsored "Maker"
event (which will explore applying Intelligent Environment
technologies for product

Keynote Speakers

*Professor Yu Zheng from Microsoft Research Asia
( will give his
keyote on “Urban Computing with Big Data”.
*Professor SHI Yuanchun from Tsinghua University

More keynote speakers will be listed in the future.

Workshops Program
As in previous editions, a number of workshops will complement the
main conference
program. We invite both proposals and papers for workshops: Please visit our
workshops page

All papers accepted in the main conference will be published by the IEEE and
electronically available through IEEE Xplore. In addition, the
conference will be
submitted for review and indexing to **EI Compendex** and **Thomson ISI**. All
papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the
Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press (also **ISI
indexed**) and electronically available through ACM Digital Library.

Special Issues
A number of special editions of Journals will be published
encompassing core areas of
the event including special issues of the Journal of Ambient
Intelligent and Smart
Environments, Intelligent Buildings International and the Transactions of Future
Intelligent Educational Environments.

There will be a number of awards for Best Full Paper, Best Demos and
Best Video etc.

Being the 10th Anniversary of the Intelligent Environments conference
series, we are
planning to mark this occasion with some special events, what we will
announce later.
Please visit our social activities page

Another feature of our celebration is to
allow authors of papers for the main conference to submit, free of
charge, a second paper
to an "Outer Limits" (
thread within the
conference which provides a way for authors to present an imaginative
view of the
possible impact of their research on future lifestyles by, say, 2046
(please email us
separately at if you would be interested in this option).

For more information about tourism in Shanghai and China see our
"Tourism" page ( or
visit the Official Shanghai China Travel
Website ( For information on Shanghai Jiao Tong
University, see the SJTU website ( the
PowerPoint Presented at IE'13
or a video about the University

** Important Dates**

Main Conference:
* Papers submission (all categories): 31st January 2014
* Paper decision notification: 4 April 2014.
* Final Version to be submitted by: 9 May 2014.

* Workshops proposals (Early Birds): 9th  September 2013.
* Workshop decisions (Early Birds): 23rd September 2013
* Workshop CFP (Early Birds): 30th September 2013
* Workshop proposals (Late Birds): email

Topics of Interest include but are not limited to:
* Ambient Intelligence
* Intelligent agents
* Artificial Intelligence
* Computational Intelligence
* Ubiquitous/Pervasive Computing
* Internet-of-Things
* Sensors & Wireless Sensor Networks
* Context Awareness
* End-user Programming
* Middleware
* Interaction Design
* Mobile Computing
* Wearables
* Electronic Clothes
* Creative Music
* Smart Surfaces
* Assisted Living technology
* SmartHomes
* Intelligent Buildings
* Smart vehicles
* Smart Cities
* Sustainable Design
* Security & Reliability
* Robotics
* Industrial Automation
* Future Education Environments
* Architecture (building)
* Socio-Technical Issues
* Business
* etc

General Chairs:
Ruimin Shen (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)
Jianbo Su (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)

Program Chairs:
Victor Callaghan (University of Essex, UK)
Liping Shen (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)

Workshop Chairs:
Juan Carlos Augusto (Middlesex University, UK)
Tongzhen Zhang (Shanghai Jiaotong University, China)

For enquiries contact:
Venue Related   
Program Related 
Workshops Related

Social Networks

** Facebook (
** Twitter (
** Weibo (
** LinkedIn
** Website (

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