[Apology for cross-postings]


Special Track "AI and the Arts"


 There is a growing interest in developing artificial intelligence
techniques that can have a role in the production of works of art. Research
in this field has already produced AI systems that can  produce outputs in
fields such as music, fine arts, storytelling and performance either
autonomously or in collaboration with humans.  The main motivation for this
special track is to explore how AI  can help in generating artistic works
and how working in the arts helps in moving forward the field of AI.
Relating to this motivation we suggest a number of questions that, among
others, papers  submitted to this special track could look to address:

- In what way can AI give us an understanding of the human creative process?

- When building AI systems for producing creative artefacts should we aim
to mimic our own - creative behaviour, the behaviours we find in nature, or
design completely new mechanisms?

- Under what conditions could work produced solely by machine be considered
as art?

- What is the role of AI in producing systems that can inspire more of us
to engage with the creative process in order to produce art?

- What are the kinds of interactions with computational systems that will
inspire, provoke, and challenge us into meaningful creative dialogues with

- Are current value systems that humans use to experience and evaluate art
suitable for computer-created art, or are new value-systems required?

- How can AI help us re-conceptualise current methods of interaction
between computers and people so as to better encourage creative flow and

- How can AI help develop our relationships with computers to encourage new
opportunities for experiencing both human- and computer-generated creative


Papers focusing on the interplay between AI and the arts, submitted to this
special track will be reviewed according to the same standards as all other
papers. The authors of accepted papers will additionally have the option of
showing a demo related to what they have presented in the paper. In
addition, submissions of demos without submitting a full paper, as well as
video submissions are also welcome. The demos and videos will be reviewed
according to the standards regarding demos and video submissions of past
IJCAI conferences. Please consult the main IJCAI 2015 Call For Papers at
http://ijcai-15.org/index.php/call-for-papers for important dates, detailed
submission instructions, (including formatting guidelines and electronic
templates), review process, and important policies (on multiple
submissions, confidentiality and conflict of interest).

IJCAI 2015 AI and the Arts Track Co-chairs

Ramon Lopez de Mantaras, Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona,
Francois Pachet, Sony Computer Science Laboratories, Paris, France
Mark d’Inverno, Goldsmiths, University of London, London, UK

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