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4th Spanish Conference in Information Retrieval
CERI 2016
14-16 June 2016 – Granada, Spain

Call for Papers

The Spanish Information Retrieval Society (SERI), organizer of this event, has as main goal to support IR in Spain. This conference aims to continue with the work developed on its previous editions and to provide an international forum where researchers from both academia and industry can meet, exchange experiences and present innovative works. CERI welcomes contributions from a wide range of knowledge areas. Specifically, we encourage the participation of not only researchers and professionals from the Computer Science field, but also researchers with background and experience on Information Sciences, Linguistics,
or any other related area to IR.

This new edition of the CERI Conference will be held in Granada, Spain, a beautiful city at the south of Spain. All scientists interested in IR related fields are welcome to participate. We encourage national and international researchers from both academia and industry to submit original papers, written in Spanish related to any aspect of IR including, but not limited to the following:

    IR models
    Performance, scalability, architectures and efficiency
    Data structures on IR
    Web IR
    IR Quality Evaluation
    User aspects: interaction, user studies and interfaces
    Filtering and recommendation systems
    Structured retrieval (XML, etc.)
    Semantic search
    Digital libraries
    IR in social networks
    Opinion mining
    Vandalism detection in the Web, in Wikipedia and opinion spam
    Detection of pedophilia, stalking and bullying
    Multimedia retrieval
    Text mining (classification and clustering)
    Natural Language Processing in IR
    Passage Retrieval and Question Answering
    Multilingual and cross-language IR
    IR in specific domains (biomedical, patents, law, etc.)
    Geographical IR
    Collaborative IR

Submissions could be long and short papers written in English up to 12 pages or 4 pages, respectively.

Important dates

Paper submission:       15 March 2016 (23:59 GMT)
Short paper submission: 20 March 2016 (23:59 GMT)
Paper Notification:     31 March 2016
Camera ready:           15 April 2016
Early registration:     1 June 2016
Conference:             14-16 June 2016

All accepted works will be published in the conference proceedings book with ISBN, in electronic format, as well as in the website of the conference.

From a selection of the best papers, a special issue of the International Journal of Uncertainty, Fuzziness and Knowledge-Based Systems (IJUFKS) will be edited.

Organizers will also award the "Best student paper" presented in this edition of CERI. To be eligible for this award at least one of the co-authors of the paper must be an student, and it should be indicated during the submission process.

CERI specially encourages PhD students and researchers in the early stage of their careers to submit their works. Also, works from the industry will be considered in the Industrial Track and Teaching and learning experiences in the Teaching IR Track.

Teaching IR Track
We invite theoretical or position papers on IR teaching related to educational goals, teaching and learning methods, assessment and feedback and curricula. Topics of interest include, but are not limited

  - Technical Level (Non-technical Mid-way to Technical continuum).
  - Educational Goals: Library and information Science, Computer
                       Science, MIS, Linguistics.
  - Teaching and Learning methods: Classroom, elearning (distance
                                   learning); Assessment methods;

More information will be distributed very soon. Also you can find details of the track in the website.

Industrial Track

This CERI special session is aimed for those researchers who are working in real world problems and would like to show their technologies and approaches to the IR community. Therefore, the organizers of CERI 2016 invite to submit novel and innovative ideas related to IR in the industry context, as for example, working systems, novel industrialapplications, Industry IR-related challenges, and so on.

Papers will be submitted as PDF files through Easy Chair submission system:


Notice that track papers are submitted in different way as regular papers.

Program committee Chair: Irene Díaz (University of Oviedo)
Organizing Committee Chair: Juan M. Fernández- Luna (University of Granada)

                     Juan Manuel Fernández Luna
Departamento de Ciencias de la Computación e Inteligencia Artificial
                Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenierías
                  Informática y de Telecomunicación
                       Universidad de Granada
               C/ Periodista Daniel Saucedo Aranda, s/n
                       C.P. 18071, Granada, España
                      Teléfono: + 34 958 240804
                      Fax:      + 34 958 243317

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