(please redistribute; apologies for cross-postings)

Dear all,

Applications are invited for two fully funded Post-Doc positions at the 
Intelligent Robots and Systems group of Institute for Systems and Robotics 
(ISR), Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), University of Lisbon, Portugal. 

Each position will be assigned, according to candidate’s preference, to one of 
the following topics:
(1) "Networked Robot Systems for Social Interaction": R&D on integration of 
different technologies (off-the-shelf and developed by the group) - including 
navigation, cooperative perception, people following, symbiotic interaction, 
coordinated plan execution - for robots deployed in human-populated 
environments (e.g., homes, hospitals), so as to interact with the humans in 
education, entertainment and support to daily activities. A close involvement 
with the SocRob@Home team (http://socrob_at_home.isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt), with 
regular participation in the RoboCup@Home competitions is expected.

(2) "Planning Under Uncertainty": R&D on the development of novel approaches 
combining state representation under uncertainty (e.g., using probabilistic 
logic) and decision-theoretic sequential decision-making (e.g., POMDPs, RL),  
so as to enable handling large-state and observation spaces by reducing their 
high dimensional space to low dimensional representations adequate to inference 
and decision making.

These positions will be supervised by Prof. Pedro U. Lima and Prof. Rodrigo 
Ventura, both faculty at IST and senior researchers at the Intelligent Robots 
and Systems group of ISR 

About ISR-Lisbon (http://www.isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt)
The research will be conducted at the Institute for Systems and Robotics 
(ISR-Lisboa), home to more than 40 PhDs and part of the LARSyS (Laboratory for 
Robotics and Engineering Systems - http://www.larsys.pt). ISR-Lisboa is engaged 
in a new generation of research challenges pushing the frontiers of knowledge, 
while offering world-class doctoral training with top universities (e.g. 
dual/joint degrees with MIT, EPFL, CMU) and fueling the collaboration with 
industry. ISR-Lisboa develops state-of- the-art engineering solutions and 
projects with a clear societal impact, and has a long track record of 
participation in EU and other international projects. ISR-Lisboa hosts 5 groups 
working in Robotics and Information Processing, Systems and Control Theory, 
Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Optimization, Intelligent Systems and 
Biomedical Engineering. The working language is English.

About Lisbon
Lisbon is one of the oldest and most charming european capitals, enjoying a 
multi-cultural and vibrant life-style.  Lisbon is an illuminated city. The 
almost constant presence of sunshine and the River Tagus transforms the 
Portuguese capital into a mirror of a thousand colours - highlighting the 
city’s unique architecture and beauty. Its rich history and culture, the sunny 
climate and the proximity to the ocean and sandy beaches, makes Lisbon a unique 
place to work and live.

Requirements: PhD in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science or 
affine areas, with solid knowledge in Robotics and/or Artificial Intelligence

        Deadline: 21-06-2016
        Duration: 12 months (full time)
        Starting date:  as soon as possible. 
        Place: ISR-Lisboa - Instituto Superior Tecnico, Alameda campus, Lisbon, 

To request further information and to apply, send an email to asantos (at) 
isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt as soon as possible. The application should include the 
following items:
- Form B1 - Application for Research Grant (http://www.ist-id.pt); Ref: BPD - 
Proj RD0461
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Academic degree certificate;
- Letter of motivation / statement of purpose in English: with explicit 
indication of preferred profile(s);
- Minimum of 2 reference letters.

- - - - -

Rodrigo Ventura
Institute for Systems and Robotics
Instituto Superior Técnico
Lisbon, Portugal

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