*The 6th International Workshop on Climate Informatics*

*When*: September 22-23, 2016 (Climate Informatics Hackathon will be on
September 21, 2016)

*Where*: NCAR Mesa lab in Boulder, Colorado


*Twitter*: @Climformatics

*Short paper deadline*: Friday, July 15, 2016, Short papers due

*Keynote Speakers:*


Sudipto Banerjee, University of California Los Angeles, USA

Yulia Gel, University of Texas at Dallas, USA

Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research, USA

Pradeep Ravikumar, University of Texas at Austin, USA

Jason Smerdon, Columbia University, USA

Allen Pope, National Snow & Ice Data Center, USA

*Workshop Overview*

Climate informatics broadly refers to any research combining climate
science with approaches from statistics, machine learning and data mining.
The Climate Informatics workshop series, now in its sixth year, seeks to
bring together researchers from all of these areas. We aim to stimulate the
discussion of new ideas, foster new collaborations, grow the climate
informatics community, and thus accelerate discovery across disciplinary
boundaries. The format of the workshop seeks to overcome cross disciplinary
language barriers and to emphasize communication between participants by
featuring tutorials, invited talks, panel discussions, posters and breakout
sessions. The programs of previous workshops from 2011 to 2015 can be found
here (

We invite all researchers interested in learning about critical issues and
opportunities in the field of climate informatics to join us, whether
established in the field or just starting out.

Since earth system sciences can be brought to bear on the study of climate,
the scope of the workshop also includes data science approaches to problems
at the nexus of climate and the earth system sciences.

*Workshop Short Papers*:

We encourage submissions on topics anywhere at the interface of climate
science and machine learning, statistics, data mining, or related fields.
Reviews, position papers, and works in progress, are also encouraged.
Topics include but are NOT limited to:

Machine learning, statistics, or data mining, applied to climate science

Management and processing of large climate datasets

Long and short term climate prediction

Ensemble characterization of climate model projections

Paleoclimate reconstruction

Uncertainty quantification

Spatiotemporal methods applied to climate data

Time series methods applied to climate data

Methods for modeling, detecting and predicting climate extremes

Climate change attribution

Dependence and causality among climate variables

Detection and characterization of climate teleconnections

Data assimilation

Climate model parameterizations

Hybrid methods

Other data science approaches at the nexus of climate and earth system

*Short Paper Submission:*

Short Paper submission deadline is Friday, July 15, 2016. Papers may be up
to 3 pages long excluding references and up to 1 page of references (double
column format) and submission will be through EasyChair. Latex and Word
templates, as well as detailed submission instructions is available on the
web page,

*Important Dates:*

Friday, July 15, 2016: Short papers due; Travel fellowship applications due

Wednesday, August 10, 2016: Authors notification

Wednesday, August 10, 2016: Travel fellowship notification

Saturday, September 10, 2016: Final revisions to papers due; Registration

Wednesday, September 21, 2016: Climate Informatics Hackathon at NCAR, in
Boulder, CO

Thursday-Friday, September 22-23, 2016: Workshop takes place at NCAR, in
Boulder, CO

*Travel Fellowships:*

We are excited to announce that travel fellowships for early career
scientists will again be available, thanks to NSF support. Details will be
available on the website,


We will have a data science “hackathon” in the afternoon of September 21,
2016, to solve a challenging problem in climate informatics. Details will
be available on the website,

*Organizing Committee:*

*Workshop Co-Chairs:*

Arindam Banerjee, University of Minnesota

Jennifer Dy, Northeastern University

*Program Committee Co-Chairs:*

Slava Lyubchich, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science

Andrew Rhines, Harvard University

*Publicity and Publications Chair:*

Wei Ding, University of Massachusetts Boston

*Travel and Budget Chair:*

Eniko Szekely, New York University

*Steering Committee:*

Imme Ebert-Uphoff, Colorado State University

Claire Monteleoni, George Washington University

Doug Nychka, National Center for Atmospheric Research

*Local Administrative Support:*

Kathy Peczkowicz, NCAR

Cecilia Banner, NCAR


For more information, to get involved, or to sign up to receive
announcements, please contact us here:


Follow Climate Informatics on twitter for more updates and Hackathon
information: https://twitter.com/Climformatics
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