A reminder that the deadline for ACM-CHIL 2021 is:

   - 7th January for abstract
   - 11th January for full submission

We have three tracks:

   1. Models and Methods
   2. Applications and Practice
   3. Impact and Society

The conference will be held virtually, April 8-10 2021.
More details on the website:

Please share with any interested colleagues or students!

On Wed, Nov 25, 2020 at 7:38 PM Sanja Šćepanović <sanjascepano...@gmail.com>

> ACM-CHIL 2021 Call for Papers - Conference on Health, Inference and
> Learning (Virtual, April 2021)
> The ACM Conference on Health, Inference, and Learning (ACM-CHIL 2021)
> solicits work across a variety of disciplines, including machine learning,
> statistics, epidemiology, health policy, operations, and economics.
> ACM-CHIL 2021 invites submissions touching on topics focused on relevant
> problems affecting health. Authors are invited to submit 8-10 page papers
> (with unlimited pages for references) to each of the tracks described below.
> Link to CFP: https://www.chilconference.org/call-for-papers.html
> Important Dates
>    - Abstracts due – January 7, 2021 (11:59 pm AoE)
>    - Submissions due – January 11, 2021 (11:59 pm AoE)
>    - Notification of Acceptance – Feb 15, 2021 (11:59 pm AoE)
>    - Camera Ready Due – March 5, 2021 (11:59 pm AoE)
>    - Conference Dates – April 8-10, 2021
> === Tracks and topics ===
>    - Track 1: Models and Methods
>    - Track 2: Applications and Practice
>    - Track 3: Impact and Society
> Topics for each track include but are not restricted to:
> Track 1 (Models and Methods):
>    - (Un)supervised learning, representation learning
>    - Natural language processing, knowledge graphs
>    - Computer vision
>    - Survival analysis
>    - Deep learning architectures
>    - Transfer learning, domain adaptation
>    - Bayesian learning, inference
>    - Structured learning
>    - Robust learning
>    - Causal inference
> Track 2 (Applications and Practice):
>    - Examination of robustness of ML systems to real-world dataset shift,
>    adversarial shift, or on minority subpopulations
>    - Investigations into model performance on minority subpopulations,
>    and the implications thereof
>    - Scalable, safe machine learning/inference in clinical environments
>    - New tools or comprehensive benchmarks for machine learning for
>    healthcare
>    - Development of scalable systems for processing data in practice
>    (demonstrating, e.g., concern for multi-modality, runtime, robustness,
>    etc., as guided by a clinical use case)
>    - Bridging the deployment gap
>    - Remote, wearable, and telehealth
>    - Data or software packages
> Track 3 (Impact and Society):
>    - Fairness, equity, ethics and justice
>    - Model implementation, deployment, and adoption
>    - Policy, public health, and societal impact of algorithms
>    - Interpretability
>    - System design for implementation of ML at scale
>    - Regulatory frameworks
>    - Tools for adoption of ML
>    - Evaluation of bias in legal and/or health contexts
>    - Human-algorithm interaction
> For more detail on the scope of each track, consult the online CFP:
> https://www.chilconference.org/call-for-papers.html
> In case you are not sure which track your submission fits under, feel free
> to contact the track or program committee chairs for clarification.
> === Submission Details and Guidelines ===
> For full details, refer to the online CFP:
> https://www.chilconference.org/call-for-papers.html.
> Length and Formatting
> Submitted papers must be 8-10 pages (including all figures and tables),
> plus unlimited pages for references. Additional supplementary materials
> (e.g., appendices) can be submitted with their main manuscript. Reviewers
> will not be required to read the supplementary materials. Papers that are
> neither in ACM format or exceeding the specified page length, may be
> rejected without review.
> Archival Submissions
> Submissions to the main conference are considered archival and will appear
> in the published proceedings of the conference if accepted.
> Dual Submission Policy
> You may not submit papers that are identical, or substantially similar to
> versions that are currently under review at another conference or journal,
> have been previously published, or have been accepted for publication.
> Submissions to the main conference are considered archival and will appear
> in the published proceedings of the conference if accepted.
> An exception to this rule is extensions of workshop papers that have
> previously appeared in non-archival venues, such as workshops, arXiv, or
> similar without formal proceedings. These works may be submitted as-is or
> in an extended form. ACM-CHIL also welcomes full paper submissions that
> extend previously published short papers or abstracts, so long as the
> previously published version does not exceed 4 pages in length. Note that
> the submission should not cite the workshop/report and preserve anonymity
> in the submitted manuscript.
> Peer Review
> The review process is double-blind. Please submit completely anonymized
> drafts. Please do not include any identifying information, and refrain from
> citing the authors’ own prior work in anything other than third-person.
> Violations to this policy may result in rejection without review.
> Conference organizers and reviewers are required to maintain
> confidentiality of submitted material. Upon acceptance, the titles,
> authorship, and abstracts of papers will be released prior to the
> conference.
> Open Access
> ACM-CHIL is committed to open science and ensuring our proceedings are
> freely available. The conference will make use of the ‘ACM Authorizer “Open
> Access” Service’ and ‘ACM OpenTOC Service’, allowing unrestricted access to
> individual papers as well as the overall proceedings.
> === ACM-CHIL 2021 Organisers ===
> Dr. Marzyeh Ghassemi, Dr. Tristan Naumann, Dr. Emma Pierson, Emily
> Alsentzer, Matthew McDermott, Dr. George Chen, Dr. Stephanie Hyland, Dr.
> Sanja Šćepanović, Dr. Sanmi Koyejo, Dr. Joyce Ho, Dr. Brett Beaulieu-Jones,
> Irene Chen, Dr. Jessica Gronsbell, Dr. Tom Pollard
> Track 1 Chairs: Dr. Michael Hughes, Dr. Shalmali Joshi, Dr. Rajesh
> Ranganath, Dr. Rahul G. Krishnan
> Track 2 Chairs: Dr. Tom Pollard, Dr. Bobak Mortazavi, Dr. Andrew Beam, Dr.
> Uri Shalit
> Track 3 Chairs: Dr. Alistair Johnston, Dr. Rumi Chunara, Dr. George Chen
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