A position of assistant professor (maître de conférences) in computer science 
will be open at the Université de Caen Normandie, France, in the computer 
science department and in the GREYC lab. The position will start in September 
2021. The research theme is decision-making under uncertainty and in 
interaction with humans (MAD group of the GREYC lab: 
https://www.greyc.fr/en/equipes/mad-2/), and teaching is expected in computer 
science in general, with a focus on networks and the web. For any inquiry, 
please contact bruno.zanutt...@unicaen.fr, head of the MAD group.

Keywords: intelligent agents, artificial intelligence, multiagent systems.

Applications should be done through the national platform before March 30 
(16:00 in Paris): 

* Detailed teaching profile:

The person will be assigned to the department of maths and computer science of 
the Université de Caen Normandie. He/she should be ready to teach in all 
computer science curricula of this department, both at the bachelor and master 
levels. Experience in the following matters will be specifically appreciated: 
advanced programming of systems and networks, web technologies, databases, 
software engineering, and information systems.

The person should be ready to progressively get invested in the life of the 
department, by taking on teaching responsibilities.

* Detailed research profile:

The person will integrate the "Models, Agents, Decision" group of the GREYC 
lab. This group studies the algorithmical aspects of reasoning, in particuliar 
in logic; multiagent systems, especially trust and ethics; and sequential 
decision-making under uncertainty, in particular in a multiagent setting and in 
interaction with humans. Our priority is to reinforce the latter, i.e., the 
"decision" theme. The group has international visibility on these topics, about 
planning for Markov decision processes (MDP) and especially their multiagent 
and decentralized versions. We study these themes from the points of view of 
modelling real problems and designing algorithms for solving them. Since 
several years, we focus on taking the human into account, for modelling their 
behaviour as an integral part of the environment or for designing strategies 
for interacting with them, for example towards adjustable autonomy. Therefore, 
it is expected that the applicant has expertise on MDPs in the broad sense, or 
on stochatic games, reinforcement learning, adjustable autonomy.

Possibilities to interact with the other themes of the group (reasoning, 
multi-agent systems) will of course be very welcome. Possibilities to interact 
with other groups of the GREYC lab, on themes related to those of the MAD 
group, will also be welcome, in particular with the AmacC group about 
distributed algorithms and graphs, and/or with the CoDaG group about 
distributed reinforcement learning, or about resolution of combinatorial 
problems related to planning under uncertainty.

Bruno Zanuttini

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