I am recruiting PhD students for two fully funded positions at the Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at the University of Hong Kong.  Interested candidates will produce research on Bayesian statistics and machine learning, particularly in topics related to statistical computation and Bayesian non-parametrics. Please take a look at my papers at http://michaelzhang01.github.io/publications.html to get a good idea of the type of research I am interested in.

If you would like to apply, please submit a PhD student application for the HKU statistics department by April 30, 2021 (see more information here: https://saasweb.hku.hk/programme/rpg/) and select me as a potential advisor. In addition, please e-mail a CV and a statement detailing your research plan as a PhD student to mzhan...@hku.hk.

Thank you,

Michael Zhang

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