Dear ML Community,

We are excited to announce and invite submissions of papers to
the ICLR-21 Workshop on Neural Conversational AI: Bridging the Gap Between
Research and Real World --

The workshop solicits novel contributions that relate broadly to Neural
Conversational AI, with applications including (but not limited to)
task-oriented dialogue, chitchat, healthcare, and education.

Submitted papers can be up to 8 pages in ICLR submission format
(double-blind), excluding references and supplementary material. We allow
an unlimited number of pages for references and supplementary material, but
reviewers are not required to review the supplementary material.

Accepted papers will be presented at the workshop as contributed talks
and/or posters. At the discretion of authors, accepted papers can be
published through the workshop website.

In addition to the previously unpublished work, given the non-archival
nature of the workshop, we also welcome research papers recently published
or currently under review at alternate archival NLP and ML conferences
(e.g., NAACL, ACL, and ICML).

*Invited Speakers*:
Emily Dinan <>
Jianfeng Gao
Alborz Geramifard
Dilek Hakkani-Tür
Alexa AI)
Zachary Chase Lipton
Bing Liu
Verena Rieser
Watt University)

*Important Dates:*

Paper Submission Deadline: February 26, 2021
Decision Notifications: March 26, 2021
Camera Ready Paper Deadline: April 15, 2021
Workshop: May 8, 2021

The organizing committee
Ahmad Beirami
Asli Celikyilmaz
Yun-Nung (Vivian) Chen
Taiwan University)
Paul Crook
Reality Labs)
Orianna Demasi
Stephen Roller
Chinnadhurai Sankar
João Sedoc
Zhou Yu
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