My team and I are proud to announce the release of the new ROad event
Awareness for Autonomous Driving (ROAD) Dataset:

ROAD is the first benchmark of its kind, designed to allow the community to
investigate the use of semantically meaningful representations of dynamic
road scenes to facilitate situation awareness and decision making.

ROAD is the result of 4 years of joint work by Oxford Brookes University,
University of Naples Federico II, ETH Zurich and Mazandaran University and
is built upon the Oxford Robotics Institute’s RobotCar dataset.

It contains 22 long-duration videos (ca 8 minutes each), ideal for
continual learning research, annotated in terms of “road events”, defined
as triplets E = (Agent, Action, Location) and represented as ‘tubes’, i.e.,
a series of frame-wise bounding box detections.

ROAD is a large, high-quality multi-label benchmark, with 122K labelled
video frames comprising 560K detection bounding boxes associated with 1.7M
unique individual labels (560K agent labels, 640K action labels and 499K
location labels).

ROAD has the ambition to become the reference benchmark for a variety of
situation awareness tasks: agent, action and event detection; prediction of
intention, trajectories and future events; modelling of complex road
activities; instance- and class-incremental continual learning; machine
theory of mind capabilities; automated decision making.

The GitHub repository contains all the necessary instructions to
pre-process the 22 ROAD videos, unpack them to the correct directory
structure and run the baseline model, which we termed 3D-RetinaNet and is
available at

The arXiv report with the full description of dataset, tasks, baseline and
result is available here:

Please cite the above report when using ROAD in your academic work.

For any queries please email Dr Gurkirt Singh ( or Prof Fabio Cuzzolin (


Fabio Cuzzolin
Professor of Artificial Intelligence
Director of the Visual Artificial Intelligence Laboratory
Member of the Board of the Institute for Ethical AI
School of Engineering, Computing and Mathematics
Oxford Brookes University
Oxford, UK
+44 (0)1865 484526

My office hours are Monday10-11am and Tuesday 10:30-11:30.
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