***The 4th Workshop on Tractable Probabilistic Modeling (TPM) @ UAI 2021 

There is an increasing need for probabilistic machine learning (ML) models that 
are able to deliver probabilistic inference with guarantees (reliability) while 
allowing to flexibly represent complex real-world scenarios (expressiveness). 
This edition of the workshop on tractable probabilistic models (TPMs) aims at 
bringing together researches working on different fronts of this trade-off 
between reliable and expressive models in modern probabilistic ML.
Recent years have shown how TPMs can achieve such a sensible trade-off in tasks 
like image classification, completion and generation, activity recognition, 
language and speech modeling, bioinformatics, verification and diagnosis of 
physical systems, to name but a few. Examples of TPMs comprise - but are not 
limited to - i) neural autoregressive models; ii) normalizing flows; iii) 
bounded-treewidth probabilistic graphical models (PGMs); iv) determinantal 
point processes; v) PGMs with high girth or weak potentials; vi) exchangeable 
probabilistic models and models exploiting symmetries and invariances and vii) 
probabilistic circuits (arithmetic circuits, sum-product networks, 
probabilistic sentential decision diagrams, cutset networks, etc.).

We especially encourage submissions highlighting the challenges and 
opportunities for tractable inference, including, but not limited to:

  *   New tractable representations in discrete, continuous and hybrid domains,
  *   Learning algorithms for TPMs
  *   Theoretical and empirical analysis of tractable models
  *   Connections between TPM classes
  *   TPMs for responsible, robust and explainable AI
  *   Retrospective works, tutorials, and surveys
  *   Approximate inference algorithms with guarantees
  *   Tractable neuro-symbolic and/or relational modeling
  *   Applications of tractable probabilistic modeling

 Submission Instructions
We invite three types of submissions:

  *   Original research papers: advances in TPM, not previously published in an 
archival conference or journal.
  *   Recently published research papers: advances in TPM, already published at 
a recent venue.
  *   Position papers (abstracts): discussing tendencies, issues or future 
venues of interest for the TPM community.
All submissions must be electronic (through the link below), and must closely 
follow the formatting guidelines at 
 Reviewing for TPM 2021 is single-blind. We recommend that you refer to your 
prior work in the third person wherever possible. We also encourage links to 
public repositories such as github to share code and/or data.

Submission Link: 

 ***Accepted papers will be considered for the best paper award***

 Important Dates
* Paper submission deadline: May 28, 2021 AOE (UTC-12:00h)
* Notification to authors: June 28, 2021
* Camera-ready version: July 27, 2021 AOE (UTC-12:00h) *
* Workshop Date: July 30, 2021

Antonio Vergari (University of California, Los Angeles)
Tahrima Rahman (University of Texas, Dallas)
Robert Peharz (TU Eindhoven)
Alejandro Molina (TU Darmstadt)
Pedram Rooshenas (University of North Carolina, Charlotte)
Daniel Lowd  (University of Oregon)
Zoubin Ghahramani (Google AI)
For any questions, contact us at 

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