CALL FOR Proposals for Special Sessions 

The 20th IEEE International Conference on Machine Learning and Applications 
(IEEE ICMLA'21) will be held in Pasadena, California, USA, DECEMBER 13-16, 

We invite proposals for special sessions. Special session organizers will be 
responsible for advertising the session, forming the program committees, 
reviewing and selecting the papers, and guaranteeing a high-quality worthy of 
the prestige and breadth of the Conference. All papers accepted for special 
sessions will be included in the Special Session Proceedings published by the 
IEEE Computer Society Press, made available at the Conference. The extended 
versions of the papers will be considered for the Journal of Machine Learning 
Theory, Applications and Practice(JMLTAP) 

The registration fee of the special session organizers will be waived or 

Special Session Topics

The topics for special sessions can be on any subject relevant to an 
appreciable fraction of the machine learning research and practice communities. 
Special session schedules are encouraged to have lively debates, and topics 
should lean more towards exploring new solutions, new ideas, open challenges, 
and interdisciplinary areas in research and practical applications.

Submission Instructions

The Proposals should include the following information:

name and address of the proposer(s)
title of the session
a brief description of the topic
a short bio of the organizer(s)
preliminary technical committee members.

Each special session will have at least five paper presentations. 

Special sessions proposals  be submitted to Special Sessions chair: 

          Ruoming Jin, Kent State University, 
Important Date: 

Proposals Submission Deadline:  May 10, 2021

Notification of Acceptance: May 15th, 2021

Special Session Organizer Sends out Call for Papers: June 1st, 2021

Special Session/Workshop Papers Due:  August 6, 2021
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