Dear colleagues,

I'm excited to invite you for the 2nd Continual Learning in Computer Vision
<> Workshop
at CVPR 2021 that will take place *this Friday at 8.30 (UTC-5)*. The
workshop will be freely accessible by anyone this year!

You can join us following the instructions below! I hope to see you there!


Description & Participation Modality

The workshop is freely accessible to anyone on YouTube: it will be live
streamed on through the ContinualAI Youtube account
<> and you'll be
able to interact with the speakers and the other participants via the *YouTube
chat*, a *Discuss* chat in this official CLVision website
<> or the *ContinualAI slack

If you register here
be able to join the two poster sessions in MS Teams virtual rooms (one for
each poster) and a few additional ones to socialize and interact with the
other participants. We ask each author to be present in the virtual room
with the name corresponding to their paper title during at least one of the
two poster sessions.

The event is sponsored by: Huawei, Weights & Biases, Element AI, Klink and

Tentative Program (Nashville Time, UTC-5)

8.30 - 8.45 Opening Remarks

8.45 - 9.20 Invited Talk #1 - Joost van de Weijer

9.20 - 9.55 Invited Talk #2 - Hatice Gunes

9.55 - 10.30 Invited Talk #3 - Claudia Clopath

10.30 - 11.10 Poster Presentation & Coffee Break

11.10 - 11.45 Invited Talk #4 - Barbara Caputo

11.45 - 12.20 Invited Talk #5 - Rahaf Aljundi

12.20 - 12.30 Paper Oral #1: A Tale of Two CILs: The Connections between
Class Incremental Learning and Class Imbalanced Learning, and Beyond

12.30 - 13.30 Lunch Break

13.30 - 14.05 Invited Talk #6 - Sayna Ebrahimi

14.05 - 14.40 Invited Talk #7 - Andreas Tolias

14.40 - 16.00 Panel Discussion

16:00 - 16.30 Poster Presentation & Coffee Break

16.30 - 16.40 Paper Oral 2: Selective Replay Enhances Learning in Online
Continual Analogical Reasoning

16.40 - 17.15 Invited Talk #8 - Eric Eaton

17.15 - 17.50 Invited Talk #9 - Jeff Clune

17.50 - 18.30 Challenge Presentations

18.30 - 18:40 Awards Announcement & Closing Remarks

Area Chair

Vincenzo Lomonaco (University of Pisa & ContinualAI)

Pau Rodriguez (Element AI)

Matthias De Lange (KU Leuven)

David Vazquez (Element AI)

Irina Rish (University of Montreal / MILA)

Tinne Tuytelaars (KU Leuven)

Rita Cucchiara (University of Modena and Reggio-Emilia)

Challenge Chair

Massimo Caccia (MILA & Element AI)

Fabrice Normandin (MILA & Element AI)

Xu Jia (Huawei)

Yu Liu (KU Leuven)

Qi She (ByteDance AI lab)

Technical & Web Chair

Andrea Cossu (University of Pisa & ContinualAI)

More info & live stream in the official website:
uai mailing list

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