**** 5 PhD fellowships in Machine Learning and Information Retrieval ****
**** Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen ****

The Machine Learning Section of the Department of Computer Science at the 
Faculty of Science at the University of Copenhagen (DIKU) is offering five 
fully-funded PhD Fellowships in Machine Learning and Information Retrieval, 
commencing 1 January 2022 or as soon as possible thereafter.

- Deadline to apply: August 15, 2021
- Link to apply: https://employment.ku.dk/phd/?show=154480

* Our group and research, and what do we offer:

The fellows will join the Machine Learning Section at DIKU. The Machine 
Learning section is among the leading research environments in Artificial 
Intelligence and Web & Information Retrieval in Europe (in the top 5 for 2020, 
according to csrankings.org<http://csrankings.org/>), with a strong presence at 
top-tier conferences, continuous collaboration in international & national 
research networks, and solid synergies with big tech, small tech, and industry. 
The Machine Learning section consists of a vibrant selection of approximately 
65 talented researchers (40 of whom are PhD and postdoctoral fellows) from 
around the world with a diverse set of backgrounds and a common incessant 
scientific curiosity and openness to innovation.

* The fellows will conduct research, having as starting point the following 
broad research areas:

- a fully-funded PhD in machine learning evaluation;
- a fully-funded PhD in bias and interpretability for machine learning;
- a fully-funded PhD in overparameterization and generalizability in deep 
neural architectures;
- a fully-funded PhD in applied machine learning and/or information retrieval 
with focus on human-centered computing aspects;
- a fully-funded PhD in web & information retrieval.

* Who are we looking for?

We are looking for candidates with a MSc degree in a subject relevant for the 
research area. The successful candidate is expected to have strong grades in 
Machine Learning and/or Information Retrieval. For one of the PhDs, the 
candidate is expected to also have strong grades in Human-Centered Computing. 
The candidate should have a preliminary research record as witnessed by a 
master thesis or publications in the area.

For more information, please have a look at: 


Maria Maistro, PhD
Tenure-track Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science
University of Copenhagen
Universitetsparken 5, 2100 Copenhagen, Denmark
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