Linköping University is recruiting tenure-track Assistant Professors in Machine 
Learning with focus on integration of data and simulators.

We are continuously ramping up our research activities in machine learning and 
are now recruiting one or more tenure-track assistant professors within the 
WASP program (see details below). This is a joint call between the Computer 
Vision Laboratory (CVL, Michael Felsberg<>), the 
Media and Information Technology Division (MIT, Jonas 
Unger<>), and the Division of 
Statistics and Machine Learning (STIMA, Fredrik 
Lindsten<>). The goal of this 
recruitment is to expand and complement our excellence in the areas of computer 
vision, visualization, data science, and statistical machine learning. The 
focus of the call is on research relevant to the alignment and integration of 
physical and virtual worlds. This involves developing novel methods, 
algorithms, and mathematical analysis for, e.g.,

* Hybrid models, where machine learning is combined with simulators, 
physics-informed models, or other domain-specific knowledge in a systematic and 
efficient way,
* Augmented reality, by learning how to seamlessly integrate sensory data with 
virtual worlds,
* Data augmentation, by improving and better understanding the use of simulated 
data (virtual or augmented) in the machine learning training pipeline.

The research carried out by the recruited researchers will focus on the 
theories and processes within statistical and deep learning-based systems.

The positions are part of the Wallenberg AI, Autonomous Systems and Software 
Program (WASP)<> initiative, Sweden's largest 
individual research program ever. The WASP recruitment program offers a 
generous start-up package and the advertised positions come with financing for;

* own salary and expenses for 4-5 years, plus
* salary and expenses for two postdocs (2+2 years),
* and two PhD students (4+4 years).

Last day to apply 2021-10-01

More info:
Details on how to apply: Assistant Professor in Machine Learning with focus on 
integration of data and 

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