Criteo AI Lab is excited to be presenting Graph Machine Learning in Industry. 
Please join us on Thursday, September 23rd, at 17:00 Paris time.

Registration is now open:

Many problems in data mining, machine learning, and computer science can be 
formulated as graph problems. From modelling relationships in social networks 
and recommender systems to identifying the strengths of molecule reactions, 
graphs are a natural way to represent certain systems. Research into this area 
has recently demonstrated the viability of this approach with many recent 
success stories.

At the same time, research and deployment of graph machine learning solutions 
in an industrial setting present new and unique challenges. These include 
training the models at scale, dealing with heterogeneous data format, storing 
and updating large graphs, identifying new applications, among many others.

In this spirit, the goal of Graph Machine Learning in Industry workshop is to 
gather the community of graph practitioners in the industry and to present 
recent ML solutions that are successful in solving real-world problems.


  *   James Zhang (AWS)
  *   Charles Tapley Hoyt (Harvard Medical School)
  *   Anton Tsitsulin (Google)
  *   Cheng Ye (AstraZeneca)
  *   RocĂ­o Mercado (MIT)
  *   Lingfei Wu (

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