Dear AI researcher, scientist, engineer, student, enthusiast,

you are welcomed to attend the 'AI Mellontology (futurology)' e-symposium 
( on 15/9/2021 for 
free. No registration is needed.

Horizon2020 AI flagship R&D projects: AI4Media <>  and 
ELISE <> , together with the International AI Doctoral 
Academy (AIDA) <>  joined forces in sponsoring this event.

The program and the participation link are attached. More details on the panel 
topic descriptions can be found in the www page.

There will be 3 AI science/technology sessions in the morning and 3 AI society 
/ industry /  economy sessions in the afternoon.

Participants will debate the ‘AI future ’, namely hot AI research issues of any 
form on any scientific, societal, industrial/economic AI aspect.

Session panelists will make their short statements during each panel to 
initiate discussion by the audience.

Discussion will be informal, hopefully lively and hot aiming to debate 
contrasting views (thesis-antithesis) on each issue.

You are welcome to a) see panelist and other views and voice your own views on 
any panel topic, by using the ‘Voice your views’ area, b) propose your own AI 
grand challenge and c) actively participate in each panel discussion.

The more innovative, futuristic, even provocative your views are, the better. 
The discussion will be conducted though in a scientific way and in good faith.

The entire discussion and contributions will be compiled later on in a public 
‘AI research white paper’ that will be used to guide R&D anywhere in the world, 
notably in the framework of AIDA and Horizon2020 ICT48 R&D projects.

Here are some notable panel topic examples:

1.      Knowledge is the basis of our society, yet it is not formally 
quantified. How can we quantify knowledge, knowledge aggregation and transfer 
2.      How can we build trustworthy and humanistic AI, while still advancing 
economic growth and competitiveness?

For any questions, you can contact the e-symposium secretary Mrs. Ioanna Koroni <>  (for organization 
matters) or Prof. Ioannis Pitas <>   
(for scientific matters).

On behalf of the Organizing Committee

Prof. Ioannis Pitas

AI Mellontology e-symposium chair

AI Mellontology (futurology) e-symposium

Date: 15/9/2021

www page:  <>

Zoom link for free participation:

AI Mellontology (futurology) e-symposium Program 15/9/2021

9:00-9:15 Opening (Prof. Ioannis Pitas)

Panel-initiated discussions

Scientific/technical panel topics (morning sessions 9:00-13:00 CEST, 
Coordinator: Prof. N. Cesa-Bianchi)

9:15-10:15 Dr. S. Papadopoulos and Dr. N. Sarris ‘Navigating Disinformation 
Landscapes within Synthetic Realities. AI a friend or a foe?’, Panelists: Prof. 
M. Bielikova, R. Fletcher, A. Følstad.

R. Tudor Ionescu.

10:15-11:15 Prof. N. Sebe, ‘New Learning Methods’, Panelists: Prof. A. Del 
Bimbo, Prof. C. Snoek, Prof. 11:15-11:45 Coffee break

11:45-12:45 Prof. I. Pitas, ‘Grand AI challenges’

Social panel topics (afternoon sessions 14:00-18:00 CEST, Coordinator: Dr. 
Ioannis Kompatsiaris, CERTH/ITI)

14:00-15:00 Prof. T. Tommasi, B. Caputo ‘Fairness Certification in AI’, 
Panelists: G. Bernini, M. Haataja, Prof. B. Nessler, Prof. T. Tommasi.
15:00-16:00 K. Heine ‘Legal Personality of AI’, Panelists: Prof. K. Heine; Dr. 
A. Quintavalla

16:00-16:30 Coffee break

16:30-17:30 Prof. I. Pitas ‘AI Act and GDPR impact on European growth and 
competitiveness’, Panelists: E. Girardi, Prof. I. Pitas, S. Scalzo, Prof. P. 
Van Cleynenbreugel

17:30-18:00 AI Mellontology follow-up: AI white paper. AI challenges (all, 
Chair: Prof. Ioannis Pitas)

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