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******************************* DSCI-2021 CFP *****************************
The 4th International Conference on Data Science and Computational Intelligence 


London, UK, 20-22 December 2021


DSCI-2021 is especially dedicated to the celebration of the 64th anniversary of 
Artificial Intelligence. Aiming at creating computers and computer software 
capacity of intelligent behaviour, many amusing achievements throughout the 
past 63 years' journey have been made, including the recent AlphaGo, a.k.a, the 
Deep Reinforcement Learning, an intelligent computer program that beat Lee 
Sedol, a 9-dan professional player in a five-game match of Go. Such a task was 
considered as an impossible mission in only a decade ago. As we enter the big 
data era, Web Intelligence has extended and made use of Artificial Intelligence 
for new products, services and frameworks that are empowered by the World Wide 
Web. DSCI-2021 aims to identify the challenging problems faced by the 
development of innovative knowledge and information systems, and to shape 
future research directions through the publication of high quality, theoretical 
and applied research outcomes. DSCI-2021 is going to highlight the advances in 
frontiers and applications of general areas such as big data, artificial 
intelligence, social computing, data mining, information retrieval, and machine 
learning. DSCI is uniquely placed to deliver fresh perspectives on data science.

DSCI-2021 is planned to be hosted in London, UK. However, if the COVID-19 
situation and associated travel restrictions remain, the conference will be 
held virtually. All accepted papers are expected to be included in IEEE Xplore 
and will be indexed by Engineering Index (EI). The authors of selected best 
papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for 
special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the 



Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Track 1: Data Science Theory, Algorithms and Architectures
Track 2: Data Science Applications
Track 3: Computational Intelligence for Big Data Processing
Track 4: Data Mining and Applications


*       Paper Submission Deadline:   8 October 2021

*       Authors Notification:              8 November 2021

*       Camera-Ready Paper Due:     1 December 2021

*       Early Registration Due:          1 December 2021

*       Conference Date:                    20-22 December 2021

All papers need to be submitted electronically through the conference 
submission website ( https://hpcn.exeter.ac.uk/dsci2021-submission/ ) with PDF 
format. The materials presented in the papers should not be published or under 
submission elsewhere. Each paper is limited to 8 pages (or 10 pages with over 
length charge) including figures and references using IEEE Computer Society 
Proceedings Manuscripts style (two columns, single-spaced, 10 fonts).
Once accepted, the paper will be included into the IEEE conference proceedings 
published by IEEE Computer Society Press (indexed by EI). At least one of the 
authors of any accepted paper is requested to register the paper at the 


Distinguished papers selected from the conferences, after further extensions, 
will be recommended for submission and publication in the Special Issues of the 
following prestigious journals:

- ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks

- IEEE Internet of Things

- IEEE Transactions on Network Science and 

- Computer Communications (Elsevier)

- Soft Computing (Springer)

- Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing (Hindawi)

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