---  Call for Abstracts and Papers -------------
2021 OkIP International Conference on Automated and Intelligent Systems
MNTC Conference Center, Oklahoma City, OK, USA & Online
November 15-18, 2021

>> Co-located Conferences and Events

>> Keynotes/Invited Talks
“Machine Learning for Critical Systems Security”
- Nancy R. Mead, PhD, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

“Sustainable Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer Systems”
- Manos M. Tentzeris, PhD, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

"Blockchain Technology and its implications in Business Applications and
Healthcare IT"
- Akhil Kumar, PhD, Penn State University, USA

>> Technical Research & Industry Tracks
- Agent-based, Automated, and Distributed Supports
- Intelligent Systems and Applications
- Knowledge-based and Control Supports
- Robotics and Vehicles

>> Contribution Types
- Full Paper: Accomplished research results (6 pages)
- Short Paper: Work in progress/fresh developments (3 pages)
- Poster/Journal First: Displayed/Oral presented (1 page)

>> Important Dates (Extended):
- Submission: Oct 16, 2021
- Conference: Nov 15-18, 2021

>> Technical Program Committee

>> Venue

>> For more information, submission details, and important dates, visit:

Please feel free to contact us for any inquiry at:
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