*April 28 -- April 30, 2022*

*Alexandria Old Town, Virginia*


------------------------- CALL FOR TUTORIALS -------------------------

*Tutorial *Proposals: *October 15*, 2021, 11:59pm (US Pacific time)

*Tutorial *Notification: *November* 2021



The Organizing Committee invites proposals for tutorials to be held in
conjunction with the conference. Tutorials are an effective way to educate
and/or provide the necessary background to the intended audience enabling
them to understand technical advances. They will typically cover
state-of-the-art research, development and tools in a specific data mining
related area, and stimulate and facilitate future work.

We are seeking proposals for tutorials on all topics related to data
mining. A tutorial may be a *theme-oriented *comprehensive survey, discuss
novel data mining techniques or focus on a successful and timely
application of data mining in important areas (e.g., public health,
medicine, security, urban computing, the web, scientific data analysis).
Tutorials on interdisciplinary research topics, novel and fast-growing
directions, and innovative applications are highly encouraged. We also
encourage tutorials in areas that are different from the usual SDM
mainstream, but still related to the objectives of discovering valuable
knowledge from data. As examples of typical SIAM tutorials, see the set of
accepted tutorials at previous SIAM conferences:

- SDM16 <https://archive.siam.org/meetings/sdm16/tutorials.php>

- SDM17 <https://archive.siam.org/meetings/sdm17/tutorials.php>

- SDM18 <https://archive.siam.org/meetings/sdm18/tutorials.php>

- SDM19

- SDM21

Tutorials are open to all conference attendees without any extra fees. The
typical tutorial will be *2 hours long *(longer tutorials will be
considered). Previous SDM conferences attracted up to  *100 attendees *in a



Proposals should include the following:

   1. *Basic information*: Title, brief description (up to 300 words),
   length of the proposed tutorial. If the intended tutorial is expected to
   take longer than 2 hours a rationale is expected.
   2. *Target Audience:* Proposals must clearly identify the intended
   audience for the tutorial (e.g., novice, intermediate, expert).
   1. *What background will be required of the audience?*
      2. *Why is this topic important/interesting to the SIAM data mining
*What is the benefit to participants? *
*Provide some informal evidence that people would attend (e.g., related
      workshops). *
   3. *Tutors:* Name, affiliation, email address per tutor
   4. *Tutors’ Bios:* Provide brief biographical information on each tutor,
   including qualifications with respect to the tutorial's topic.
   1. *List of in-person presenters (i.e., the tutors who will attend)*
*List of contributors (i.e., the tutors who will only help prepare the
      tutorial material) *
   5. *Outline and References:* Enough material should be included to
   provide a sense of both the scope of material to be covered and the depth
   to which they will be covered. The more details that can be provided, the
   better (up to and including links to the actual slides). Note that the
   tutors should not focus mainly on their own research results. If, for
   certain parts of the tutorial, the material comes directly from the tutors'
   own research or product, please indicate this clearly in the proposal.
   6. *Similar Tutorials:* Identify any other venues in which the tutorial,
   or a similar/highly related tutorial by the same authors, has been or will
   be presented, and highlight the similarity/difference between those and the
   one proposed (up to 100 words for each entry).
   7. *Optional:* Video snippet of you teaching a tutorial or giving a talk.



Tutorial proposals must be submitted to Arthur Zimek <zi...@imada.sdu.dk>.
Proposals must be submitted in PDF format.

Submissions must be received* by October 15, 2021, 11:59 p.m*. (U.S.
Pacific Time)

Questions must be sent directly to:

Tutorials Chair

Arthur Zimek <zi...@imada.sdu.dk>
uai mailing list

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