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Autolume Acedia Triptych
New work available online
Still from the Autolume Acedia triptych arrangment.


One of the latest artistic works by the Metacreation Lab’s members - Autolume Acedia is now available on Vimeo in its original triptych arrangement. Experience how the visual generation evolves responsively to the monobor composition in this unique presentation.

The Autolume system being developed by Jonas Kraasch and Philippe Pasquier is being iterated for real-time use as a live-VJing tool, and will also feature in other planned artistic applications.

Sound & Music Computing Conference 2022
June 5-12, 2022 Saint-Etienne, France

This June, the Lab’s researchers will present some of their latest work on music AI and computer-assisted sound design and generation projects at the Sound & Music Computing Conference for Music Technology and Design.

Learn more about the Sound & Music Computing Conference

As part of the conference program, presentations on new research and exploration will be given by several lab members and partners, including  Joshua Kranabetter, Craig Carpenter, Renaud Bougueng Tchemeube, Philippe Pasquier and Miles Thorogood. Papers presented by them include:        

Audio Metaphor 2.0: An Improved Classification and Segmentation Pipeline for Generative Sound Design Systems

Introducing the Sound Corpus Survey: What’s that I hear? Understanding Human Sound Description to Make Better Generative Audio Engines   

Calliope: A Co-creative Interface for Multi-Track Music Generation 


A preprint version of the Audio Metaphor paper on generative sound classification and design is available here.

ISEA 2023 | Symbiosis 
Call for Applications open until May 26 / June 23

The 2023 rendition of the International Symposium of Electronic Art will take place in Paris from May 16 to 21 at the Forum des images - TUMO Paris, and over 100 french cultural institutions throughout spring 2023. 

The theme for the 28th edition of the symposium is symbiosis. In an era of global crisis — ecologic and economic; sanitary and socio-political — symbiosis is a notion that allows us to explore the metamorphoses afoot and to imagine possible futures. This symposium offers an incubator where artists, designers, scientists, and other thinkers will dialogue and debate on process and practice, exhibiting novel projects along the way.

Applications are now open for artists, designers, researchers and/or creators to exhibit and participate. Follow the link below to learn more:

ISEA 2023 Call for Applications

The expansive history of ISEA is also closely interconnected with the Metacreation Lab, with the 2015 edition of the symposium having been hosted in Vancouver, and co-directed by lab members Thecla Schiphorst and Philippe Pasquier. We invite you to take a look back to some highlights from that year at the symposium website here, including the academic proceedings and a published art catalogue.

Disruption, theme of ISEA2015. Artwork from the catalogue.

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Copyright © 2021 Metacreation Lab | All rights reserved.

Metacreation Lab for Creative AI
School of Interactive Arts & Technology
Simon Fraser University
250-13450 102 Ave.
Surrey, BC V3T 0A3

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