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Call for Participation

The 17th International Computer Science Symposium in Russia (CSR 2022)
June 29–July 1, 2022, online

Opening lecture: Umesh Vazirani (University of California at Berkeley, USA).
Testing quantum computers and quantum mechanics
Invited talk 1: Irit Dinur (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel). 
Expanders in Higher Dimensions
Invited talk 2: Jelani Nelson (University of California at Berkeley, USA).
Private Frequency Estimation via Projective Geometry
Invited talk 3: Mary Wootters (Stanford University, USA). Low-bandwidth
Computation on Reed-Solomon-Encoded Data
Closing lecture: Mark Braverman (Princeton University, USA).
Optimization-friendly generic mechanisms without money
Contributed talks: https://logic.pdmi.ras.ru/csr2022/schedule

Please register at the conference webpage to receive links to Zoom meetings. 
The registration is free of charge.
Further information and contacts:
Web:    http://logic.pdmi.ras.ru/csr2022/
Email:  alexander.s.kuli...@gmail.com (Alexander S. Kulikov)

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