In the past I've had problems with login everytime I changed something on the network tab, often I can't even get to the login page. Pick up the cellphone and I'm right in when I happen to have a wifi access handy. I thought it was the laptop, now it seems I gave it away for no good reason. Thanks UBNT for costing me a ton of money and time

On 16-07-12 02:4I4 PM, Jesse DuPont wrote:
This a known issue. I'm having it happen when I configure LAN0 to be a part of a bridge with WLAN0.50 and add a new IP alias. You can SSH into it and see in the log that HTTPD reported a successful login, but nevertheless, the GUI never proceeds past the login page.

UBNT - Any progress on resolving this?

*_Jesse DuPont_*

Network Architect
Celerity Networks LLC

Celerity Broadband LLC
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On 7/12/16 3:35 PM, Jan Van Kort wrote:
Using Lubuntu and RJ45 ether cable, as always.
I'm experiencing with 5.6.7 a difficult login after setting IP address
to static in network tab.
Initial seems easy as usual, after changing to static of
10.2.0.x I get to the html login screen on FireFox just fine but can't
get past the login.  No error comes up, firefox just keeps the spinning
donut active until it times out.  Is this a java issue? BTW, My smart
phone can login via an airgateway no problem. Something about the
Lubuntu handling of the FF vs the cell phone on FF & Lolipop, anybody
have an answer?
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