I noted that fairly recently, guest control -> pre-authorization access
quietly gained the ability to whitelist by hostname as well as IP address.
This is hugely exciting!

I can't find any documentation on this, and was trying to find users
talking about using it in the forum...but didn't come up with anyone.

Some questions I'd greatly appreciate answers to if anyone knows them:

   - how does this feature work?  When I enter a domain here, is it the
   controller that resolves it to an IP?  Or is it the AP?
   - or is the access list on the AP actually setup by hostname such that
   my question about where DNS is resovled doesn't matter?
   - Does it work for sites spread across multiple IPs/CDNs?
   - Is use of wildcards possible?  I.e. *.domain.com?

And most importantly:

   - does it work well?  Any positive or negative stories?

thanks in advance!

Andris Bjornson | EveryLayer <http://www.everylayer.com/>
skype: andris.bjornson
Ubnt_users mailing list

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