These little guys are pretty good general purpose VM servers and I run a pair 
of them at the edge of our network with 10G links and full tables:

And yes, I have tested them right to 9.9 gbps tcp throughput. :)


On Thu, 3 May 2018 11:44:58 -0500 (CDT), Mike Hammett wrote
> I use full-blown servers, but they're not at towers as I don't need full 
> tables at towers.
> Sounds like you have a good plan laid out.
> -----Mike HammettIntelligent Computing SolutionsMidwest Internet ExchangeThe 
> Brothers WISP

> From: "Tim Densmore" <>
> To: "Ubiquiti Users Group" <>
> Sent: Thursday, May 3, 2018 11:03:44 AM
> Subject: Re: [Ubnt_users] Edgerouter Infinity BGP
> On 05/02/2018 11:59 PM, J Portman wrote:
> > And, a pretty "loaded" CHR platform can be built for less money than a
> > CCR1072, so that's a bonus. 6 Gig ethernet and 6 10G Fiber ports for about 
> > $2k.
> Ideally I'd want something like maxxwave makes, but with 10G.  Some of 
> the places we'd be putting these we need them to be 1 or 2 RU, rack 
> mountable, and/or DC.  Do you have a vendor you recommend?  I have 
> basically zero clue in the whitebox switch/router/appliance world. I'm 
> guessing folks aren't sticking full blown rack-mountable Dell or HPE 
> servers at their towers.
> > As for the ER Infinity, I have a brand new one, in the box I will never
> > deploy. It's probably fast as lightning, but felt totally alien when I was
> > configuring it. Plus, Sonar has no integration for it.:)
> That's pretty much how I feel about mikrotik.  I have only used it a few 
> times, and when I have, I haven't enjoyed using it.  I'm very 
> comfortable with cisco, and somewhat comfortable with vyos/edgeos. 
> Obviously my comfort level isn't the main concern if CHR is the right 
> tool for the job, but it is a consideration.  If I have to learn ROS 
> from scratch, I need to factor that in.  The ER infinity looks pretty 
> much perfect for what we need, but while we've used edgerouters at our 
> customer edge, we've never used them in the core of our network. Maybe 
> the solution is to deploy one at the customer edge and have it take some 
> iBGP feeds that it doesn't need and see how it does with them.  If it 
> sucks, it'll still be fine for the customer edge.
> > YMMV,
> > JP
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Joe Portman 
Alamo Broadband Inc.
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