Hi Ian, you don't say exactly what sort of server you're after but as
you mention Thin Client you might like edubuntu which includes LTSP
and has a server install.
I don't know if it has all the accessibility enabled or if it tracks
the main ubuntu daily builds if that is what you are after.

LTSP basically provides a mechanism to load and boot a X server on the
client so clients can boot in many ways including Etherboot. Perhaps
also from USB memory devices (if enabled in BIOS). Local file access
may not work with think clients and NTFS formated partition access
doesn't seem to work out of the box on LiveCD workstation boots (at
least I haven't got it working).

That's about the sum of my knowledge but you could try a post on the
schoolforge.org.uk maillist
(http://groups.google.com/group/sf-uk-discuss) as many there use LTSP
in schools (especially the Fedora based K12LTSP distro).

Steve Lee

On 11/26/06, Ian Pascoe <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All
> I recall from a posting a little while ago that Henrick suggested setting up
> a Server from the normal desktop Live CD to ensure that the system had all
> the accessability options built.  Over the Xmas period I hope to do the same
> on my home system, and once set up it will be a headless server - ie one
> without monitor, keyboard or mouse and quitely sitting in the background
> doing what it must.
> My questions are:
> 1.  The PC to be used as the server has a small HD with the storage being
> provided on external USB drives.  I want to try and keep the build down to
> the bare minimum to allow space for the extras - like LAMP - to be installed
> and run successfully.  The question here is can I remove the Gnome desktop
> but maintain the screen reading abilities for when I need to directly use
> the server, ie not remotely administer it from another PC on my network?
> 2.  I want to have the ability to show off Ubuntu on guest machines as they
> connect to my network.  I don't necessarily want to give them Live CDs but
> thought it would be easier to run it something along the lines of a thin
> client from the server - can this be done without too much hacking?  In
> particular one of my daughters have a school provided laptop which has been
> locked down by the removal of the CD drive and she quite likes Ubuntu so I
> would like to give her the ability to connect to my network, still have
> access to the files on her laptop, but run Ubuntu instead of XP -
> 3.  A more general question.  Is the Official Ubuntu Guide going to be
> re-issued for 6.10?  And if so will it be available as a PDF file (please?)?
> Perhaps, some clever people could set up the book so that it automatically
> gets updates at the same time as the main system.  I know that there is
> extensive help within the OS but it is always nice to have a reference
> available without having to boot a Ubuntu machine up specifically for that
> task (I have one machine which is Ubuntu at the moment and one which is XP).
> Cheers
> Ian
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