Al Puzzuoli writes ("Ultimate plans for the sudo fix .orbitrc?"):
> Just wondering how the Ubuntu team ultimately plans to handle the sudo 
> accessibility stuff for the release of Feisty?   The fix to the Gnome 
> components themselves is pretty much finished; but, there's still the issue 
> of a couple esoteric settings that need to be added to the .orbitrc file of 
> the root account's home directory in order for that fix to be relevant.
> Granted, the task of jumping into gnome-terminal and hand creating the needed 
> .orbitrc is quite painless for even moderately experienced users of Linux; 
> However, if for a few moments, we look at this from the perspective of a 
> newbie coming from windows, who has never even seen a dos prompt, and just 
> wants to install ubuntu, or perhaps tweak some network settings on an already 
> installed system... Well, you only get one chance to make a first impression. 

Maybe, it would be easier altogether to have a text based alternative frontend
for ubiquity on the live CD, that would simply ask a few questions, maybe with
completion wia readline for things like city and language. I do not
mean a curses application but more like something "orca -t" does. I
looked at the ubiquity source code and it seems one would simply have
to implement a "Frontend" class that implements some interfaces,
though I am not 100 % sure which ones are required for a minimal
frontend. Things like partitioning would have to be done manually before
starting ubiquity with this frontend, so it could be really simple.

Best regards, Lukas

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