Michael Weaver writes ("ubuntu and speakup"):
> I would like to get Feisty working with Speakup.
> How do I go about doing this and how do I change to a text console?

If you have a hardware synth, load the speakup module suitable for
your synth. If you do not have a hardware synth, you will have to
install the speechd-up package. This should also install
speech-dispatcher. Then you must load the speakup_sftsyn module:

sudo modprobe speakup_sftsyn

> I notice that CTRL ALT F1 etc doesn't seem to work on my laptop.

What do you mean by does not work? What happens and what do you expect
to happen?

> Is there a difference between the terminal option under the
> accessories menu in Gnome and doing the CTRL ALT F1 or whatever?

Very much so. The Terminal option in the menu basically opens a window
in in wich a shell is running. Doing Control+Alt+F1 on the other hand
will switch away from the graphical user interface (the X window
system) and bring you to the linux console. The latter is where you
can use speakup. 

Best regards, Lukas

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