Hi Brian:

Thanks!  I think the OpenSUSE folks also ran into the same problem.  JP 
seemed to think this change might have been the source of confusion:
This change seemed to go in with 

I'm not an expert in how various distributions build things, though, so 
I'm just passing on what I understood.


Brian Cameron wrote:
> Janina:
> Some thoughts from the GDM maintainer...
>> Accessible login appears to be broken on every Linux distribution. As
>> Will points out, this is an issue with distributions. Nevertheless, it's
>> a serious issue for accessibility.
> I recently worked with Ubuntu to fix their problems with accessibility
> so I think their recent releases should be working.  Their problem was
> that they install the at-spi-registryd to a non-default location and
> they needed to fix the way they call configure to specify the location
> of the registry daemon.  This might be a problem for other distros?
> There also have been some useful a11y related bug fixes in GDM 2.20,
> so I would recommend using the latest & greatest.
>> The email below discusses Ubuntu. At the Gnome A11y Summit this weekend
>> we verified that Suse is broken. My own experience indicates that Fedora
>> 7 and Fedora 7.91 are broken.
> It would be helpful if people were to file bugs or explain on the
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] mail list what the problems are.  I'd be happy to
> help.  The GDM documentation at the following link has some help
> in the "Accessibility" section to explain how to debug some common
> accessibility issues with GDM:
>    http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/docs.html
>> Now that our assistive technologies have passed from mostly
>> developmental software into the realm of usable tools for real people
>> with disabilities, this situation is no longer tolerable. We must call
>> on all distributions to institute procedures to insure that accessible
>> login gets fixed and stays fixed. This will require regular testing, as
>> there are many ways to break accessible login.
> There are some well known bugs/issues with accessibility.  For example,
> it doesn't work so well with gdmgreeter and some AT programs.  You
> probably need to switch to using gdmlogin if you really need to use an
> AT that can interact with the widgets.  gdmgreeter would require some
> work to really support accessibility properly.  It's main problem is
> the way it uses GnomeCanvas for building the theme, and the fact that
> it doesn't support keyboard navigation.
> Also, failsafe xterm isn't accessible.  Perhaps GDM should be
> configurable so you could use it with gnome-terminal, which does support
> accessibility?
> gdmsetup is also not accessible, and probably can't be as long as it
> requires that you run it as root.
> Brian
>> Willie Walker writes:
>>> Hi Guy:
>>> The last time I looked, accessible login was broken on Gutsy.  I sent 
>>> information off to the Ubuntu folks for tracking the problem down, but 
>>> I'm not sure where they stand with it right now.
>>> There's some information on Accessible Login here:
>>>   http://www.gnome.org/projects/gdm/docs/2.18/accessibility.html
>>> Hope this helps,
>>> Will
>>> PS - Accessible login does indeed work - I've tested it on OpenSolaris.
>>> Guy Schlosser wrote:
>>>> Hey all, how do you enable accessible login in Gutsy?  After I 
>>>> updated last night, I now have the login sound, but orca does not 
>>>> start automaticly.  Any suggestions?  Also, is there something that 
>>>> needs to be done in order to have Orca read items where you have to 
>>>> be root to administer?  Finally, one last question.  I noticed that 
>>>> firefox 3 was in the Gutsy universe repos.  Why isn't that updated 
>>>> after alpha7.  Alpha 8 has been released and a9pre is 
>>>> current.  Thanks much in advance for any help.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Guy
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