Hello Every body!

I am tried generate a new hardy alpha4 live cd.
Updated the live filesystem with apt-get.
Put the .orbitrc file with the /root directory with the live filesystem.
The speech installation not work with automatic logged ubuntu user.
I am disabled the automaticloginenable with the gdm.conf-custom file.
enabling root login with gdm with gdm.conf-custom file.
Booting the new live cd, pressed f5 and free down arrow key etc.

If logged in the live cd with root (added ubuntu password with root), 
start orca and type ubiquity command with alt+f2,
the installation is speech correctly.
This is not good idea, this is the workaround.
I have not idea this problem.
I don't understand, why work the .orbitrc file with the 7.10 
installation cd, and why not work hardy alpha 4 cd.
Why can not speech any administration applications, if ubuntu user 
logged in automaticaly? Every administration applications is inaccessible.
Who is the developer this section with Ubuntu?


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