Dear core developers of Ubuntu Jaunty,

    After successfully installing Ubuntu Jaunty official release, and after i 
tried to perform automatic update, The process has been probably completed 
successfully, but i have lost speech support. I tried to quit Orca without 
speech support, i tried to reactivate Orca, Gnome did not crashed, ALT+F2 hod 
key has been usable. Orca tried to reload to RAM, but without speech. To reduce 
The chance, that system will totally crash, i rather pressed The power button 
on my notebook and i pressed The space key to confirm shutdown action. This 
problem has been occurred, when i successfully installed official build of 
Ubuntu Jaunty, after completing installation, after successfully login and 
after triing to use automatic update feature from administration sub menu.

Please, would Yu try to deeply analyse this issue? Or it would be better for 
visually impaired to rather use those tools from The gnome-terminal?

So for completing upgrade of Ubuntu always type

apt-get update

apt-get dist-upgrade

Or aptitude safe-upgrade

The synaptic package manager can not be also used with Orca while using it from 
The menu, so synaptic can be fortunately used from The Gnome-terminal, when 
user is logged in as a root.

Unfortunately, also other tools are not accessible, such as create USB startup 
disk, but if this algorithm in this program will not put accessibility support 
to flash disk, it is not problem.

Please do not ignore my pleasment.

The kindness regards.

Janusz Chmiel
Ubuntu-accessibility mailing list

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