Dear users,

As i know, SBl (suseblinux screen reader) is included in some Opensuse 
repository, and Adriane Knoppix is also having this screen reader included 
and it's configuration files has been modified, so this screen reader is not 
communicating with external synthesizer or with supported braille device, 
but with Speechdispatcher directly. Thank's to MR Klaus Knopper and his 
colleagues, who are professional developers.
I did not find computer, which would be incompatible with Ubuntu Jaunty, 
some very old computers, dated to year before year 2000 will have troubles 
not with plaing greeting sound when Gnome has been started, but with 
cooperation with Espeak and other synthesizers.

I Am recommending all professional programmerrswho are now in this mailing 
list, if they would start professional academic discussion with competent 
programmers, who are responsible for developing The Linux kernel. Also 
developers of Sepakup could be invited to this programmers discussion. Why 
core developers of Linux kernel do notwant to officially include Speakup 
patch to The kernel?

Debian distro and also Ubuntu can use this package made special packages to 
include Speakup with Espeak, i do not know The names of all packages, which 
are necessary to install Speakup support with Espeak. Even NTFS3G support is 
awailable in The Debian repository, so Debian users do not have to recompile 
whole kernel to include support for NTFS access. And in Ubuntu, this driver 
is officially included for more than 2 years.


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