Hi all,

I've installed ubuntu 9.10 onto acer aspire one a150-bk netbook and am 
impressed of the fact, that all hardware works out of the box. I decided 
do not remove pulseaudio because of those issues it causes with another 
desktop apps I've read about in this list. So i tried to patch the 
espeak-generic.conf to use paplay. Now i have following results:
Espeak is noticeably more responsive;
Espeak volume is lesser than normal;
Russian text isn't spoken at all.

Last issue is the most important for me, as I am using Russian 
localization of ubuntu. I am sure that espeak Russianvoice works when 
standart espeak speech-dispatcher module is selected. Also I am sure 
that russian voice is active with espeak-generic module, because it says 
numbers in Russian when i type them. Only numbers and english letters 
and text is spoken when espeak-generic is selected in orca preferences.

May be this is problem with the codepage or text encoding? If you have 
any ideas about volume and more important Russian issue, please, let me 
know and i will test it.

Thanks to all people who have made this excellent release of ubuntu.

All the best,

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