I don't know if this is of any help, but I reverted my Karmic install to using ALSA instead of Pulse Audio and then could get Speak Up to run just fine with other audio streams such as mp3 files. I did this last night and so have not played with getting Orca up and running yet, but on a past Jaunty system I had, I remember that Orca didn't work either until I uninstalled pulseaudio and disabled it as well. We shall see how hard it is to get Orca working with ALSA in Karmic. I get the idea that your whole point though is to get speech to play correctly with Pulse Audio though instead of removing PA and using ALSA. Am I correct? Would the ALSA work around be a satisfactory solution for you? I ask because it seems to be what has worked best for me on the systems I have tried to get talking recently. That being said, there are plenty of things I have not played with yet, such as Lucid itself.



On Mon, 4 Jan 2010, Bill Cox wrote:

I also posted this on the pulseaudio list, but there may be more help
to be found here...

I'm trying to build a Vinux (blind-user Linux distro) release based on
Ubuntu/Lucid.  There's too much code to rewrite to have everything
working the "right" way with pulseaudio by May, so I want to release
Vinux/Ubuntu Lucid with the system-wide hack.

I've enabled PA to start in system wide mode by editing
/etc/defaults/pulseaudio, and enabling it there.  I've added gdm,
root, speech-dispatcher, and my user name to the pulse-access group.
Pulseaudio starts, and speech-dispatcher and speechd-up work with it
just fine at boot.  Since this is a distro for the blind, I boot into
a console, not gdm.  The login prompt is read nicely, as is text when
I log in.  However, if I try to play a .wav file, there is no sound.
None of the apps with PA back-ends will play sound for me.  When I
type 'startx', Gome comes up, but the sound preference dialog tells me
there's no sound card.  I suspect that rights to use it have been
granted to the speech-dispatcher user, and I'm not able to access it.

If there is anyone who can help me get such a settup working, I'd
really appreciate it!


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