Actually this isn't quite true although the method for focusing them
isn't obvious, nor is it obvious that you are on the indicator applet.
Basically, tab around the panel until you hear "menu bar" one to the
left of the clock. Press the right arrow. You will then focus the
indicator applets with the keyboard. Note though that there are still a
few issues here:
1. Indicator is not identified as such, this would be easily fixable. It
is identified as "menu bar" instead which, while technically correct in
a sense as it does function similar to a menu, isn't descriptive enough
since there's already the main menu bar on the panel.
2. While doing this, sometimes you get stuck on the panel and can only
tab between the indicator and the clock. The only way out of it I've
found is to click the mouse somewhere else. This is more nasty. None of
the task switching or panel switching keystrokes will work if you get
into this situation.

On Tue, 2010-02-09 at 12:51 +0100, Luca Ferretti wrote:
> Hi everyone, 
> I'm going to have a talk about Ubuntu and a11y[1] and I was checking
> some stuff in a default Ubuntu setup.
> My tests showed some issues, included this 
> https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libindicator/+bug/519195
> Basically, panel applets using libindicate are un-focusable. This is not
> good for impaired users that can't use mouse or pointing device, but
> only keyboard.
> Any change to increase the severity and hopefull fix for Lucid?
> PS more reports will come :)
> [1] http://www.culturasenzabarriere.org/2010/01/ubuntu-e-laccessibilita/
> (in Italian language) 

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