Hi All,

Here is a quick question for the speechd/orca guys. I am using Ubuntu
9.10 with the latest git version of speechd built today. What I am
experiencing at the moment is that about five seconds after running orca
I get the message that something has hung and orca exits. This only
seems an issue when orca is running in normal/GUI modes as I can use it
in the text setup mode and it will work just fine with speechd. This
seems to indicate an incomparability between the version of orca that I
am using and the latest speechd release.

I have setup speechD to run with both espeak and open-sapi and get the
same behaviour. There is output from both speechd and orca which I have
included on pastebin. I have setup speechd to use pulse by default and
then left all the other settings alone. 

Orca 2.28.1
Gnome 2.28.1
PulseAudio 0.9.19

See the logs at pastebin http://pastebin.com/m716c5edc.

Maybe this is a known problem but if not then can people throw some
ideas at me. I have got the TODO list on open-sapi down to about 15
items but there is the speechd module to look at which is going to
require quite a large amount of work. I have looked at the code but got
really confused and did not know where to start. It would be nice for me
to have a orca/speechd/pulse system that is working reliably before i
continue. Testing my buggy code on a system that I can not rely on is
hard enough, having a solid foundation would help. I keep detailed
records of my work on my project pages and will document what I am
doing / finding with speechd for others. 

Thanks in advance,



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