someone at my linux usergroup or lug once said to me that i 
need to do fresh installs when upgrading from one version of
ubuntu to another.
if this is so is the most accessiable way for someone totally
blind to do it who doesn't have a sighted person around whose
family are not linux users is to edit all the entries that beginn
with deb in the etcstapsstsourcestddlist and do an apt-get update
followed by apt-get upgrade?
i notice the update-manager is fairly accessible when doing a
simple update to get the latest fixes and security etc but once
when i tried to use it to do an upgrade someone said my dowload
had not started after i did an alt f2 update-manager comd
command, hit enter on the upgrade button and typed my admin
password.  my guess is that there is a dialogue box which comes
up with some other button that possibly needs to be tabbed to
which needs hitting before the actual upgrade starts and that if
you don't locate this button and enter on it, the operating
system will not upgrade properly if at all.

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