Hi Pia,

Thought i would point you in the direction of Vinux that is ubuntu
based. They are welcoming contributions that improve accessibility and I
am sure could benefit from your efforts. Ubuntu are making noises about
including some of there developments into the main distro but I ave no
experience that this is happening yet.

Back to Speech to Text. I am going to plug my project again because I am
still working on open-sapi that is an interface into the commercial MS
TTS & STT system. I have not heard anyone using the MS systems or that
have trained it up to be anything worth considering. This is why I have
left the SR elelment of the project well alone at the moment. But I am
implementing the text to speech so that any SAPI compliant voice will
work under in Linux. I am close to a stable release but have not been
working along on this for over a year or so. I have struggled to get
speech-dispatcher integration and again I would ask if there was anyone
able to help please drop me a line. If I can get it all to work under
ubuntu 10.04 then I will release a deb but until then I will keep
working away. 

Getting back to my original point is that commercial engines for
assistive technologies can be incorporated into Linux with a bit of glue
and sticky tape. You can get to the project site here.   

Project site: http://code.google.com/p/open-sapi/ 
Discussion Group: http://groups.google.com/group/open-sapi?pli=1

The project has been designed with the cloud in mind so until MS allow
us to use MS sapi software without an OS license Cloud bases it might
have to stay. That should not be such a big problem though. Someone
might just have to foot the bill  :(

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