Op woensdag 22-09-2010 om 17:08 uur [tijdzone +0200], schreef Marion
> I've been using ubuntu 10.4 with Orca 2.30.2 for several weeks now.
> I tried to use the standard dictionary of gnome and the following 
> problem occured:
> I can only use the monolingual english dictionary but  don't know how
> to add other dictionaries like English German for instance.
> Where do I find the list of dictionaries and how can I choose them? 

The user interface for this tool is quite confusing...

I am not sure my description that follows is useful for you (I'm not
blind, so somewhat difficult to imagine), so feel free to ask if I fail.

At the right side of the window there is a sidebar where you can choose
to show 4 different types of information.  The sidebar can be
shown/hidden with the F9 key (in case you can't find it, that might be
the reason.

One of the sidebar panels lists all the available databases on the
currently selected dictionary server (those panels can be selected from
a drop-down at the top of the sidebar panel, and the default panel is
named something like "Similar words").  If you double-click on one
database, or you press enter while it's selected, that database will be
used for searches.

Note: a "database" in this context just means a specific dictionary,
e.g. something like "English-German Freedict dictionary".

I hope this helps...

Jan Claeys

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