On Tue, Oct 26, 2010 at 07:40:53AM EDT, E.J. Zufelt wrote:
> Good morning,
> I read a release this morning explaining that possibly as of 11.04 Ubuntu 
> will ship with Unity, based on gnome, and not gnome, as the default window 
> manager.  I am wondering what accessibility features exist in Unity and how 
> well it supports gnome based assistive technology applications like Orca?

Unity in its current form does not have much in the way of accessibility. It 
doesn't even have keyboard navigation to move around the environment, let alone 
assistive technology support.

For the 11.04 release, I will be working very closely with the unity developers 
to implement accessibility and keyboard navigation support, so much so, that it 
will be my primary focus for this cycle.

I will also attempt to address any other accessibility issues we need to fix, 
like the installer, if I get the time.


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